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Blistering Takedown of Obama Over What He Failed to Do During Big West Point Speech
Blistering Takedown of Obama Over What He Failed to Do During Big West Point Speech
I prefer a genuine US Marine, as opposed to a community organizer, who hasn't served in the military.
Obama under bipartisan pressure to oust Shinseki on heels of IG report
Obama under bipartisan pressure to oust Shinseki on heels of IG report
Democrats, not including the US Senate group, support ousting Shineski
Harry Reid is conspicuously absent.
O’Reilly May 27, 2014 | President Obama's Controversies - Scandals
Lava Lake in Vinuatu | The Core of the Earth
Pelosi on VA Scandal: When We Go To War, We Should Think About Its Consequences
Imprimus | Hillsdale College April, 2014
O'Reilly | The Left Rallies to Save President Obama
O'Reilly | The Left Rallies to Save President Obama
O’Reilly and Andrea Tantaros Video | The Veteran’s Health Care and Obamacare are very similar 5/22/2014 There is a link to a “Benghazi racist” video under the linked video.
Ask Democrats to Help Our Veterans
Rep. David Scott (D-GA) | Calls on Shinseki to Resign
The Sultan of Stoning | Buys The Clintons | Part II
The Sultan of Stoning | Buys The Clintons | Part II
Liberals Always Win | Mr. Tingle
Liberals Always Win | Mr. Tingle
MSNBC ratings compared to Fox News ratings; is not a winner.
Keith Olberman is long gone; not a winner.
Liberals lost control of the US House of Representatives in 2010.
The 2014 midterm elections are not a pushover for Liberals; nor is the 2016 presidential election.
US Supreme Court decisions frowned upon by Liberals;
- unlimited campaign contributions are free speech.
- The Little Sisters of the poor do not have to pay for contraception.
- Prayer in meetings is legal
More US Supreme Court decisions are imminent.
Looking Back at the Cliven Bundy Event;
George Will Bashes #BringBackOurGirls As 'An Exercise In Self-Esteem' (VIDEO)
George Will Bashes #BringBackOurGirls As 'An Exercise In Self-Esteem' (VIDEO)
Barry Soetoro l Settled Science
Barry Soetoro l Settled Science
Credible sources disagree:
Google search: Settled science
Settled science | You Tube
This Just Might Be The Worst Poll Yet For Democrats
This Just Might Be The Worst Poll Yet For Democrats
Democrats | Benghazi Has Backfired
Democrats | Benghazi Has Backfired
I’m hoping that the Select Committee will be functioning by the end of May, 2014
Upcoming events:
- Noel Canning vs NLRB decision should be published before July 1, 2014. It will be decided whether President Obama made illegal appointments to the NLRB.
- The Mount Vernon Assembly will meet in early June 2014. They will consider a Convention of States to amend the Constitution. They have already met in December 2013, and plan to meet again in December 2015.