Guest book

If you are fromFacebook, Twitter, or MeWe, it would be nice to know that you were here. Also, I invite old trucker friends, friends,and family to just leave a note. If you leave an email address or phone number, I'll reply.


  1. Wolf, my friend, I am on facebook but seldom actually get there. I struggle with both the Dems and Republicans because neither party gives a damn about the Constitution unless they can use portions to benefit themselves in some way. Should an earthquake take all of Washington DC no one would miss it or those who inhabit it. As for me, I wish for it on alternate days. Newsvine turned into a crapshoot as usually happens with a liberal site so I avoid it for obvious reasons. Healing from surgery and broken heart. Miss much the conversations we used to have . J

    1. I'm Woflie Wolf on Facebook. Please feel free to write on my timeline. I'd love to hear from you.

  2. Wolf Wolfman, iIagree with you on so many levels. Heck I even agree with most of what Anonymous said aug, 2014.This nation is headed down a slippery slop, and I feel you are in tune with the real reason why.Our leaders are looking out for themselves, and them only. It is the Elitist that call the shots now, and have for a long time. Rothschilds mother said, ( if she heard of a war brewing anywhere on the world, she knew her son's hands were in on it.) So I pray, and tell believers to choose now in whom they believe , and why.Then stand like a rock. If America falls, the whole world falls into darkness. I know America has a lot to repent for, and that her people need to humble themselves before God, and ask him to heal our nation as he promised in his world. God is not a man, that he could lie. I believe only that, will stave off the enemy determined to consume us. Until we speak again. I ask God to hold you gently in the palm of his hand, and to keep you safe. In Jesus name Amen. As always Father God, I know it is your will on earth, as it is in heaven.

    1. Dear Patricia Holloway,
      We are like minded. We have an opportunity in 2016 to expand our influence. We have been blessed with an increase in the number of governors, state legislators, members of the US House, and the US Senate.
      The presidential debates are revealing incompetence, and criminal actions.
      God bless you too.


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