
The Threat to Obama from the Courts

The Threat to Obama from the Courts

Voter ID required in Wisconsin --- SCOTUS declines case

Voter ID required in Wisconsin --- SCOTUS declines case

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Hillary Clinton Wiped Server Clean --- Refuses to Turn it Over

I have retrieved deleted documents from my hard drive. I would encourage Gowdy to access the hard drive to determine...

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Saturday, March 28, 2015

With Malice Toward Everyone


Lauding a deserter while his father quotes the Koran in the Rose Garden is going down in the history books.

@PressSec The image of Obama lauding a deserter while his father quotes the Koran in the Rose Garden is going down in the history books.
— Demo Crat(@BlueStaterDemoc) March 26, 2015

Click on the date
My Tweet to @White House is below the Tweet.


Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws | FrontPage Magazine

Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws | FrontPage Magazine

Thank you for your service

via Howard Stockner and Rolling Thunder


Trey Gowdy --- Hillary's Server

Nixon didn't get rid of his tapes. Hillary had better not try getting rid of her server.


Netanyahu Won --- Barry Shellacked

This same message was sent to each of the seven senators, who did not sign the letter to Iran.
I sent a "thank you" Tweet to all the Patriots, who signed the letter to Iran.


Sometimes it is Best Not to do What You are Told

Open Letter favorited my Tweet

Thank you 47 GOP senators, who sent letter to Iran-you are brave patriots
— Wolf Wolfman(@Wolf_Wolfman) March 17, 2015
Click on date to see Tweet

Open Letter favorited my Tweet


McNaughton Fine Art


Tweet: Wasteful Example

Michelle And Barack Go To California – On Separate Planes On Thursday March 12, 2015

Contrast this behavior with Social Security Disability Insurance, which struggles to help the disabled in our country. SSDI faces 20% cuts in benefits by the end of 2016. See SSDI --- Part IV


Laura Ingraham Podcast

Click More Episodes

Senator Vitter discusses birth right citizenship and reasons it should be banned. Scott Pruit (Oklahoma AG) weighs in on the outcome of King vs. Burwell; what does the Obamacare subsidies really mean. Andy McCarthy explains Obama's idea of executive order on taxes could devastate our economy in all sorts of ways.


A Very Serious Matter

via Dave Das Wolfbilly

Posted on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wolfie.wolf.58/posts/899678036745042

Posted on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Wolf_Wolfman/status/573678540475994112


O'Reilly Factor: The Trust Factor | Obama

Obama Has Not Been Right About Anything So Far


Simple beauty

Ugly president

Socialism -- Results