
'Chilling the atmosphere': North Korea media condemns U.S. Democrats ahead of summit | Reuters

'Chilling the atmosphere': North Korea media condemns U.S. Democrats ahead of summit | Reuters: North Korea's state media criticized U.S. Democrats and American intelligence officials on Sunday for "chilling the atmosphere" ahead of leader Kim Jong Un's second summit with President Donald Trump this week.


767 Cargoliner Crash With Three Aboard


Ballot Harvesting Nationwide

Google search: https://www.google.com/search?q=ballot+harvesting+nationwide&oq=ballot+harvesting+nationwide&aqs=chrome..69i57.30962j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 


Judge | Crosshairs Tweet


AOC | GrrrGraphics

.McConnell: Vote on Green Plan


William Barr Vote to Attorney General

Haley Responds to Pelosi

Haley responds to Pelosi about climate committee: Does Protecting God’s Creation Include Babies?


New video exposes the truth about third trimester abortions

New video exposes the truth about third trimester abortions: Live Action’s latest video exposes the extremism of the abortion industry and third trimester abortion procedures, which are performed 25 weeks to term.
+Walt Armour