
Killing US Citizens | ACLU Legal Action

Walt Armour 6:36 PMRead Post

white house wins

The ACLU says they plan to appeal Judge McMahon’s decision and are currently awaiting news regarding a separate lawsuit filed alongside the Center for Constitutional Rights that directly challenges the constitutionality of the targeted kills.

The Welfare of Humanity | The Alibi of Tyrants

welfare of humanity

Albert Camus

The welfare of humanity is not the goal of the US government. The goal of the US government to to steal as much property from the private sector… and investors in US securities… as they can get away with.

The US tax code is 71,000 pages. If the public was managing it’s political employees, the tax code would be one page.

You can’t convince Socialists/Communists…you’ve got to beat them.


Henry Ford | Big Government

Peter William Lount originally shared this post:

Ford American Indians


Big government causes unhappiness, poverty, …and takes private property.