
President Obama’s Friend Derrick Bell

Image by: Wikipedia
President Obama was a friend of Derrick Bell. MSNBC has kind words today about both. In 2008 Obama-Bell was hidden. I wondered why.
Wikipedia says Prof Derrick Bell says that the framers of the Constitution chose property over justice.
The constitution protects property.
Both Bell and Obama can try to place justice over property, but that is unconstitutional.
Unconstitutional ideas should not be a presidential idea.


To Sandra Fluke and President Obama

Wall Photos
By: Sara Casm
A picture is worth a thousand words.

2 Sponsors Ask for Return

According to Rush:
Some sponsors have asked to return.
If Rush was to be suspended, he'd have to suspend himself!
There are 18,000 different sponsors.


Stupid is as Stupid Does

Isn’t that a lovely Obama smile? Too bad he got tricked…priceless!

Live Free or Die

Live Free or Die
AttributionSome rights reserved by Knuckle.Head
Obama: Freedom…over my dead body. You will buy healthcare, contraception, and I’ll make insurance companies pay for it!

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James O’Keefe, Plaintiff
Current Media, LLC, Keith Olberman, and David Shuster, Defendants
Dated February 27, 2012


Limbaugh Advertisers: We Still Won't Sponsor Rush Anymore (UPDATED)

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Rush said today that advertisers are standing in line to advertise on his program. He mentioned that he had turned down GM at a previous time.