
Individual | Part of a Herd


One of the people discussed in regard to Progressivism is Woodrow Wilson. [1]

Woodrow advocated removal of the ideas in the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

One of Wilson’s ideas was that an individual should conform to the ideas of society. When an individual conforms to the ideas of society, he gives up his freedom. He becomes a member of the “herd”.

Lenin and Stalin were, and President Obama is…a member of the “herd”. Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Jimmy Carter were members of the “herd”.

Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,  and Ronald Reagan were individuals as opposed to being members of the “herd”.

If the “herd” wants contraception, Sandra Fluke will try to take away my individual right to keep as much of my property as possible…and try to give them contraception.

If the “herd” wants government health care, President Obama will try to make it happen. President Obama will take away my individual right to buy what I want…and force me to buy government insurance…when I believe that private sector insurance is preferable.

President Obama does not believe in exceptionalism.  Obama would try to take away my right to believe that excellence of the individual is good for my country.


[1] A Woodrow Wilson speech is in this link: https://constitution.hillsdale.edu/document.doc?id=314 The second article in the link contains the writings of a professor. Click on the link/right click/Marquee Zoom/right click/Fit Width


I would like to recommend three secret groups:

  1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
  2. Wolf Den on Facebook
  3. My secret circle on Google+

They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

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    Scooter batteries-chargers

    C, D, and 9V batteries
    Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
    Button Batteries
    Alkaline Batteries
    Battery Chargers

    Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
    A $25 order will get free shipping.

    Sanyo Batteries

    I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

    I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

    I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

    Tea Tree Oil

    I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

    Just a little dab, will do ya.

    I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

    Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

    I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

    I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

    I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

    I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

    Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.


    2016: Obama’s America

    2016 Obamas america



    2016: Obama's America Rockets Past Al Gore, Katy Perry And Michael Moore To Reach #2 All Time Political Documentary

    Published: September 10, 2012

    Read more here: http://www.heraldonline.com/2012/09/10/4250068/2016-obamas-america-rockets-past.html#storylink=cpy

    "We are pleased that concerned Americans are taking it upon themselves to get more facts about President Obama's background and his ideological formation. This film is a window into America's future under another four years of the Obama Administration," said D'Souza.

    "This film is having an impact across the country," said Producer Gerald R. Molen. "Americans are hearing, in Barack Obama's own words, what he believes—and what that will mean for the United States."


    I would like to recommend three secret groups:

    1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
    2. Wolf Den on Facebook
    3. My secret circle on Google+

    They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


    Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

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      Scooter batteries-chargers

      C, D, and 9V batteries
      Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
      Button Batteries
      Alkaline Batteries
      Battery Chargers

      Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
      A $25 order will get free shipping.

      Sanyo Batteries

      I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

      I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

      I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

      Tea Tree Oil

      I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

      Just a little dab, will do ya.

      I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

      Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

      I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

      I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

      I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

      I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

      Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.

      Harmful | Helpful

      Holder wanted
      Original post by Gilbert Cope
      President Obama and Holder are two examples of lawyers, who are harmful to the United States.
      Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Lee Iacocca are examples of people, who helped our country.
      Lee has a new book. Click on the link/click on the page to change pages. You can read about 50 pages of it here:
      I would like to recommend a secret group:
      Wolf Den on Facebook

        It is a safe haven from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.
        Contact author: wolf.wolfman1930@gmail.com

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        What is Progress

        Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
        from The U.S. Constitution: A Reader, pp. 635-643
        I just read an article by Woodrow Wilson. I don't believe that his ideas about progress resulted in a better United States in 2012. The excerpt title is near the bottom of the following link:
        https://constitution.hillsdale.edu/document.doc?id=310  When the page comes up… right click/Marquee Zoom/right click/Fit Width

        There are three parts to the link. The first part is by the Confederate Vice President, the second part is by a college president, and the last part is by Woodrow Wilson.


        I would like to recommend three secret groups:

        1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
        2. Wolf Den on Facebook
        3. My secret circle on Google+

        They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


        Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

        Amazon Books

        Obama's America Amazon Book Sales


        I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

        He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

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          Scooter batteries-chargers

          C, D, and 9V batteries
          Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
          Button Batteries
          Alkaline Batteries
          Battery Chargers

          Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
          A $25 order will get free shipping.

          Sanyo Batteries

          I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

          I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

          I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

          Tea Tree Oil

          I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

          Just a little dab, will do ya.

          I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

          Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

          I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

          I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

          I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

          I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

          Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.


          Lincoln’s Words


          Lincolns words

          Original Post by Terry Falcon

          Terry Falcon

          ‎1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
          2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
          3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
          4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
          5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.
          6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
          7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
          8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
          9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
          10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.
          By Rev. William J. H. Boetcker

          Think of how each idea applies to President Obama. Obama doesn't encourage thrift...tries to weaken the strong...destroy the rich...incites class hatred...discourages initiative and independence...tears down big men...pulls down wage payers...is an outlandish spender...ignores the deficit...and wants to provide free contraception, which should be done by everyone themselves.


          I would like to recommend three secret groups:

          1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
          2. Wolf Den on Facebook
          3. My secret circle on Google+

          They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


          Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

          Amazon Books

          Obama's America Amazon Book Sales


          I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

          He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

          The Wolfman Network



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          Wolfie Public


          Wolf Wolfman Public

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          Dumbasses only can access the dumbasses link.

          Search…goluckydonald on Newsvine…Over 570 original articles


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          Search… goluckydonald


            Scooter batteries-chargers

            C, D, and 9V batteries
            Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
            Button Batteries
            Alkaline Batteries
            Battery Chargers

            Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
            A $25 order will get free shipping.

            Sanyo Batteries

            I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

            I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

            I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

            Tea Tree Oil

            I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

            Just a little dab, will do ya.

            I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

            Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

            I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

            I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

            I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

            I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

            Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.

            Rerun | President Obama’s Words | Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry

            President Obama said these words in a campaign speech in Pueblo Colorado on August 10, 2012.

            Obama wants to nationalize industries  Video of Obama’s words included in link

            Several liberals challenged my ability to back up my claim that President Obama wants to nationalize industries. A person on Google+ provided a link…it’s posted above. I find denial that the President made a statement… offensive. They want to wiggle out of the truth…and attempt to do so…in spite of irrefutable evidence.

            Rush also discussed President Obama’s statement  Video of Obama’s words included in link

            What Rush says can be denied, but the words of President Obama are chiseled in stone.

            First, President Obama told Joe the Plumber: “I want to spread the wealth around”

            Then he said, “You didn’t build that”

            Now, he says that he wants to nationalize industries.

            President Obama: "I said, I believe in American workers, I believe in this this American industry, and now the American auto industry has come roaring back. Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry."


            I would like to recommend three secret groups:

            1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
            2. Wolf Den on Facebook
            3. My secret circle on Google+

            They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


            Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

            Amazon Books

            Obama's America Amazon Book Sales


            I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

            He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

            The Wolfman Network



            Wolf Public


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            Most posts appear in the home link.

            Secret posts are available to secret members only in the secret link.


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            I Heard It Through The News Grape Vine. Members can view

            Extraterrestrials Inter Dimensional Conference Room Members can view


            Ferocious Conservatives Open



            Wolfie Public


            Wolf Wolfman Public

            Dumbasses Secret

            Dumbasses only can access the dumbasses link.

            Search…goluckydonald on Newsvine…Over 570 original articles


            Wolf_Wolfman Public

            |Windows Live|

            Skydrive Click on link…Then click on Wolfman’s Skydrive at the top

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            My channel Public

            Search engines

            Search… goluckydonald


              Scooter batteries-chargers

              C, D, and 9V batteries
              Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
              Button Batteries
              Alkaline Batteries
              Battery Chargers

              Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
              A $25 order will get free shipping.

              Sanyo Batteries

              I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

              I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

              I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

              Tea Tree Oil

              I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

              Just a little dab, will do ya.

              I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

              Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

              I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

              I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

              I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

              I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

              Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.



              Judicial Watch Update | September 7, 2012

              Judicial Watch Weekly Update


              I would like to recommend three secret groups:

              1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
              2. Wolf Den on Facebook
              3. My secret circle on Google+

              They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


              Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com

              Amazon Books

              Obama's America Amazon Book Sales


              I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

              He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

              The Wolfman Network



              Wolf Public


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              Most posts appear in the home link.

              Secret posts are available to secret members only in the secret link.


              Wolfie Wolf Public

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              I Heard It Through The News Grape Vine. Members can view

              Extraterrestrials Inter Dimensional Conference Room Members can view


              Ferocious Conservatives Open



              Wolfie Public


              Wolf Wolfman Public

              Dumbasses Secret

              Dumbasses only can access the dumbasses link.

              Search…goluckydonald on Newsvine…Over 570 original articles


              Wolf_Wolfman Public

              |Windows Live|

              Skydrive Click on link…Then click on Wolfman’s Skydrive at the top

              Music Recommend Panpipe



              My channel Public

              Search engines

              Search… goluckydonald


                Scooter batteries-chargers

                C, D, and 9V batteries
                Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
                Button Batteries
                Alkaline Batteries
                Battery Chargers

                Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
                A $25 order will get free shipping.

                Sanyo Batteries

                I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

                I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

                I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

                Tea Tree Oil

                I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

                Just a little dab, will do ya.

                I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

                Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

                I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

                I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

                I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

                I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

                Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.