
The 'Obamaphone Lady'

Obamaphone lady behavior


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The standout in the category is "Obama money": Back in October 2009, big lines formed formed for Detroit housing assistance applications after the city underestimated how many people would show up to apply. The scene was chaotic, and local TV reported there were rumors that $3,000 checks would be handed out.

The meme on rightwing blogs became that it was an angry mob in search of "Obama money." A Detroit radio station interviewed people in line for "Obama money." One woman says, "I don't know where he got it from but he's giving it to us. ... O-BA-MA O-BA-MA!"

Obama got away with promoting Marxism then, and he will probably continue to get away with it for four more years. We capitalist, conservative, Christians, and constitutionalists…are outnumbered. The country certainly will not be better off four years from now…government wise, and life, liberty, and property wise.

Vets restore controversial memorial cross

ObamaSanta from rich


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Why did I post ObamaSanta? I posted it because I can’t imagine a veteran like Henry Sandoz…acting like ObamaSanta. I have the highest respect for Henry Sandoz and his wife. The government would have trumped Henry Sandoz, if they got their way. Henry Sandoz won…for himself…for his wife…for veterans…for freedom and liberty…in spite of government and ObamaSanta. Henry Sandoz is an honorable veteran. He is an example to be followed.


Breaking: Florida Showing Massive Voter Fraud

Alan West voter fraud

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This article appears to be legitimate. Google Search I found it here. Randy Blake 6:41 PM - Limited


In a nutshell…there were 175,000 registered voters in St Lucie county. 247,000 vote cards were cast. 72,000 more vote cards than registered voters. Alan West was supposed to be 3,000 votes shy of his opponent.

Abortion Workers Chant ‘Obama!’ as Mothers Arrive for ‘Late-Term Abortion Day’

Babies hanging

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