Chicago | Community Organized
Some rights reserved By US Mission Geneva
I listened to Jesse Jackson yesterday…on FoxNews! The image on this article was taken in connection with a Jesse Jackson speech at the UN. I can barely understand him…and I think he must like speaking his own brand of English. He is my enemy. He advocates “taking” my IRA… and 401k’s. I guess he’s a wannabe king.
Chicago is an example of what Liberalism, Democrats, Socialism, et cetera will do to a society. The community organizer’s city is a den of killings. Marriages and families are in a state of decline. Welfare is a large part of lives.
Emanuel has a crisis, but it doesn’t seem like he’s doing much good with it. Things are going from bad to worse.
Obama should be ashamed, but he’s still pretending that he’s the Messiah. He helped to organize Chicago to be what it is today. Now, he’s organizing the US. Isn’t that just peachy?