
Chicago | Community Organized

Chicago | Community Organized

Person of the year emanuel jackson

AttributionNo Derivative WorksJackson image:

Some rights reserved By US Mission Geneva

I listened to Jesse Jackson yesterday…on FoxNews! The image on this article was taken in connection with a Jesse Jackson speech at the UN. I can barely understand him…and I think he must like speaking his own brand of English. He is my enemy. He advocates “taking” my IRA… and 401k’s. I guess he’s a wannabe king.

Chicago is an example of what Liberalism, Democrats, Socialism, et cetera will do to a society. The community organizer’s city is a den of killings. Marriages and families are in a state of decline. Welfare is a large part of lives.

Emanuel has a crisis, but it doesn’t seem like he’s doing much good with it. Things are going from bad to worse.

Obama should be ashamed, but he’s still pretending that he’s the Messiah. He helped to organize Chicago to be what it is today. Now, he’s organizing the US. Isn’t that just peachy?


Chris Kyle | Navy Seal | Killed

Chris Kyle | Navy Seal | Killed

Sniper navy seal

Creative Commons license by Wolf Wolfman

Chris Kyle: The Legend Falls

What a terrible ordeal this must be for Chris’s wife and his family. I send my condolences.

Monday February 4, 2013  Update: The killer became aggressive in his jail cell, and a stun gun was used to subdue him. He must be in bad shape.


Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Jan Morgan published this.

Video produced by By Jan Morgan, Jan Morgan Media

A lady, who is in the bottled water business, called my attention to it. She told me that her business had been targeted also…and that she had been fined.


Violent Crimes Per 100,000 | US | Britain

Doug StrykerYesterday 10:17 PM -


- The Conservative Union (Gun Issues)

)Violent crimes US Britain

When I saw this…I did a Google search…and found this on Mail Online.

To be fair… the article says Australia has 92 violent crimes per 100,000.

I found this:

Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008
Annual Rates for 2009 and 2010

If you scroll down to figure 42 in the link, there’s a breakdown of homicides by weapon. Handguns are the highest weapons used. Other weapons…such as rifles… are a lot lower.
After reading these things…I realized that banning weapons doesn’t necessarily reduce homicides. Arson, poison, and many other ways of murdering someone can take place.


Evidence of Communist Teachers | Teacher Union Controls

Evidence of Communist Teachers | Teacher Union Controls

A member posted this video in Wolf Den…a secret group on Facebook. I shared it on Twitter and Google+.

Now, I’m posting it on blogspot, which will increase links to the video in search engines.

If schools were under local control, I doubt that teacher unions…and teachers…would have the influence that they currently have.

It would be nice, if the story in this video, would be covered on radio, TV, and newspapers.

Obama | Pope

Obama | Pope

Darin Walker originally shared this post:

Obama pope

Theo Von Druessel
Yesterday 11:23 AM - Public

The Pope is infallible!


Carmilita Zotomayor Riveral | The Lord is my Shepherd

Carmilita Zotomayor Riveral | The Lord is My Shepherd

Carmilita Zotomayor Riveral Lord


This lady is recovering from surgery performed January 21, 2013. As of today…she is on the Internet three times a day for 30 minutes each time.

Here is one of her posts

The Lord is My Shepherd♫

Religious ♫