
President Obama | Did Sign the Sequester Law

President Obama | Did Sign the Sequester Law

Obama says in this video, “It will not happen”…then he [1] signed the sequester into law.

[1] not Boehner, congress, Republicans, or anyone else. President Obama signed the sequester law.


BOB WOODWARD: A 'Very Senior' White House Person Warned Me I'd 'Regret' What I'm Doing

February 27, 2013 6:53 PM

I thought Bob Woodward was free to express his thoughts…without being warned.

US Government | Enemy of the Individual

US Government | Enemy of the Individual

gold coin fifty dollars

If you are a Swiss citizen, your gold storage is protected.

If you are a US citizen, your gold is subject to the US government.

The US government has become the enemy of the individual.

World's Biggest Gold Storage Company Dumps US Citizens


Small Dose of Communism

Small Dose of Communism

PRC flag


Sign up for Google Account to access links…if you can’t access the links.

I have followed Chou Chou for several years. She has spent a large amount of time in Asia. She posted a link to an article about Liu Xia. She posts a number of links daily.

I’m sure that no one in the USA would like to live like Liu Xia…or her husband.

President Obama and Democrats are trying to lead the USA toward Communism. This is one more example of the results of Communism.