
President Obama | Foe of…

President Obama | Foe of…

Person of the year life liberty

President Obama has shown that he will not try to protect the life of a new born aborted baby. He will try to protect the laws allowing abortion.

The Obama administration did not immediately agree that the government does not have the right to kill non combatant citizens in the United States without a trial.

A sixteen year old US citizen was killed in a drone strike…on President Obama’s watch.

Indeed, the ACLU lavishly praised Paul, saying that "as a result of Sen. Paul's historic filibuster, civil liberties got two wins". In particular, said the ACLU, "Americans learned about the breathtakingly broad claims of executive authority undergirding the Obama administration's vast killing program."   Source…



John McCain refers to Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Justin Amash as “wacko birds”

John McCain refers to Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Justin Amash as “wacko birds”

McCain John

I’m pleased that the Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell praised Rand Paul, and  Republican National Committee Chair Reince Preibus urged fellow Republicans to stand with Rand.

Despite McCain’s claims, Paul finally got Attorney General Eric Holder to state in writing Thursday that the administration would not bomb non-combatant Americans who did not represent an immediate threat. Paul’s efforts were praised by other fellow Republicans, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who said he was “proud” of his fellow Kentucky senator, and Republican National Committee Chair Reince Preibus, who urged the Senate’s Republican members to stand with Rand during the filibuster.

If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. Justin Amash fired back at McCain on twitter, noting the Senators whereabouts during the filibuster.

Sen McCain called @senrandpaul @sentedcruz & I "wacko birds." Bravo, Senator. You got us. Did you come up with that at #DinnerWithBarack?

— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) March 8, 2013   Source

Name calling among conservatives… is not a good idea. Insults and disrespect among conservatives… are not good ideas.

John McCain should ask himself how he would feel…and for how long…if he was treated in a similar fashion.

Getting to Know Obama Better

Getting to Know Obama Better

Person of the year dictator

I…and my wife… live like a king and queen.

Stand with Rand!

Rand was on Rush Limbaugh Thursday March 7, 2013!

Rand was number one trend on Twitter. #StandWithRand

Some posts on Google+…+Wolf Wolfman


Communism | SEIU

Obama is very friendly with the SEIU


Get to Know Obama Better

Get to Know Obama Better

Person of the year drone

Obama told reporters this week that he can overcome the falsehoods if he has enough time to campaign in battleground states and let voters get to know him better. Source

Rand Paul Filibuster

Jay Carney, "The president has not and would not use drone strikes against American citizens on American soil, if the citizen is not engaged in combat"

Drudge Report Links:


HOLDER: Obama 'has authority to use drone strikes to kill Americans on US soil'...

'No Intention'...

Sen. Cruz slams Holder's defense of drone strikes against Americans...