Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed stated that he had personally beheaded Daniel Pearl.
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Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed stated that he had personally beheaded Daniel Pearl.
Take a look at Barry Soetoro’s Cairo speech…A New Beginning. (Link to video and transcript)
Now, we have the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
Barry Soetoro and his administration have removed words from use…such as terrorist.
They promote Islam, and create government organizations such as CAIR.
The result: We are threatened by the Islamic State, inhumanity, religious persecution, beheading, and barbarism.
The wrong track got us here.
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Democrats call themselves progressives; among other things.
So, we’re looking at a Democrat.
Alan Pyke, the Deputy Economic Policy Editor for ThinkProgress, posted that he wanted Fox News President Roger Ailes to die after he saw how Fox was covering the protests in Ferguson, Missouri in response to the shooting death of Michael Brown. See header link
This progressive advocates death of the opposition, which reminds me of jihad, and Hamas.
Adding the adjectives “slow” and “painful” to “death” is pure evil.