
Lauding a deserter while his father quotes the Koran in the Rose Garden is going down in the history books.

@PressSec The image of Obama lauding a deserter while his father quotes the Koran in the Rose Garden is going down in the history books.
— Demo Crat(@BlueStaterDemoc) March 26, 2015

Click on the date
My Tweet to @White House is below the Tweet.


Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws | FrontPage Magazine

Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws | FrontPage Magazine

Thank you for your service

via Howard Stockner and Rolling Thunder


Trey Gowdy --- Hillary's Server

Nixon didn't get rid of his tapes. Hillary had better not try getting rid of her server.


Netanyahu Won --- Barry Shellacked

This same message was sent to each of the seven senators, who did not sign the letter to Iran.
I sent a "thank you" Tweet to all the Patriots, who signed the letter to Iran.