
Jeff Sessions | Obama Hiding Terrorist Info

Sessions: Obama is hiding the immigration history of 72 terrorists

This fight is changing some Democrat minds.

Obama may be trying to close Guantanamo, trying to use an executive order to do so, but his actions may bring growing opposition from Democrats, in addition to Republican opposition.
A vote to successfully override his veto of the Guantanamo bill would be refreshing.

NBC: "Trump Blasted for Muslim Remarks"

"Trump, speaking to an NBC News reporter"
NBC tries to pin what their reporter said, on Trump.
There is a legitimate question about whether that reporter attempted to set up or trick Trump.
Trump, "I didn't suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America."
In other words, Trump disagrees with NBC and their reporter.
NBC does have a dog in this fight.


US House Votes 289-137 to Halt Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program

Barry says he will veto the bill.

The bill has a veto proof majority and 47 Democrats joined Republicans in voting against the measure. It is unclear if the Senate will take up the measure after they return from Thanksgiving recess.

Trending | Ben Stein: President Obama Has a 'Real Strong Hatred of America'

"Real Strong Hatred of America" 

TrendingBen SteinObama has a deep hatred for America

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Thursday, November 19, 2015


Francois Hollande Laughed | Netanyahu

Netanyahu gets the last laugh

Syrian 'Refugees'

Barry the Messiah and His Minions Are Confident That These 'Refugees' Won't Harm Us
Has Barry Ever Been Wrong?
 More Governors Seek to Ban Syrian Refugees After Paris Massacre