
Democrats, Progressives, Wander in the Wilderness

Rush Limbaugh's excellent article

Wander in the wilderness with trust in a belief similar to Islam; is it life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
We learn from memory, experimenting, and authority.
We know we get burned, when we touch the stove (memory)
Kim Jong Un's experiment with a missile, which exploded, was a learning experience. (experimenting) Risky
Authority We depend on the wisdom of others. (President Truman used atomic bomb) Less risky
A locomotive overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis in 1905

Russian Revolution 1905

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Authority: Kin Jong Un | Hereditary - President Trump | The People

Kim Jong Un is assuming that he has the authority to harm the USA.

Time will tell whether Kim Jong Un's assumption is correct

President Trump's responsibility is to protect and secure the US people.
Kim Jong Un is increasing his efforts.
President Trump has indicated that Kim Jong Un's behavior is unacceptable, and has communicated his concerns to Xi Jinping.
Xi Jinping has reacted favorably to President Trump.
President Truman made the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Time will tell what President Trump's reaction will be.