
Carol Lee Cooper | 40 Years Opry

Part 1 of 2

Walt Armour
Part 2 will be published on this website tomorrow 10/5/2019


October 3, 2019 | Maria and Sarah Sanders

Walt Armour


Nadler: Impeach Trump for Obstructing Our Attempt to Frame Him

Via Walt Armour

Urban Dictionary: Gone Rogue

Urban Dictionary: Gone Rogue


Pelosi Behavior

Pelosi's behavior is questionable. She proposed voting for Obamacare to find out what was in it. We found out. I do not recommend being reckless in voting, as Pelosi recommended. She is deplorable; in Hillary Clinton's words. Pelosi is a Democrat, and Democrats have been known to do dirty tricks; like try to make the USA a socialist nation. #walkawayfromDemocrats
Walt Armour


Computer Security

I use the Chrome browser.
Recently I received a notice to update Chrome, which I did. I also added a https:// extension.
After doing this opry.com would not play in the Chrome browser.
I found that I had to turn the https:// extension off to get opry.com to play. So, I had to put Chrome in insecure mode to get opry.com to play.
You can put opry.com in your Chrome browser to see what happens.
I put https://www.opry.com in Internet Explorer browser. The website opened, and the stream played. (It won't work in Chrome)
I can't explain why the website will open and play in Internet Explorer in secure mode, and will not do it in Chrome.
Using insecure http:// can be very harmful.
Warning from Chrome:
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://www.opry.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure audio file 'http://stream01048.westreamradio.com/wsm-am-mp3'. This content should also be served over HTTPS.
Walt Armour


Country Music | Episode Guide | Ken Burns

Country Music | Episode Guide | Ken Burns: Explore all the episodes of "Country Music". There are 8 episodes. All episodes will be streaming 9/22/19.