
Impeachment Day Three

Fox News
2 PM Eastern Time
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The Democrat party has members,who admit that they are socialists.
Vindman, who is cooperating with Democrats, made the following statement. (It doesn't fit Democrat party ideology)
Quote: Dad, my sitting here today, in the US Capitol talking to our elected officials is proof
that you made the right decision forty years ago to 
leave the Soviet Union and
come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our
family. Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the 
Thank you again for your consideration, and I would be 
happy to answer your



Treason Against America

It has been reported that both Comey and Brennan voted for a Communist for President of the USA
Walt Armour



Whitehouse | House of Representatives October 8, 2019

Whitehouse letter to House of Representatives
Via AzWolf458
Walt Armour

The Pronk Pops Show | Schiff Lied

The Pronk Pops Show 1328: The Pronk Pops Show 1328 September 26, 2019 Story 1: Partisan CIA "Whistle-blower" Betrays President Trump with Allegations Based on Secondhand Hearsay -- This Is Not Covered Under Intelligence Whistle-blower Law -- Democrat Organized Smear Campaign and Coup Against Trump Falling Apart! -- Videos -- Story 2:  Unbelievable Adam Schiff: Pathological Prevaricator Pervert Parody of Whistle-blower Blow Job Does Not Come Out As Expected -- Videos For additional information and videos: https://pronkpops.wordpress.com/2019/10/01/the-pronk-pops-show-1328-september-27-2019-story-1-partisan-cia-whistle-blower-betrays-president-trump-with-allegations-based-on-secondhand-hearsay-this-is-not-covered-under-intelligence-wh/
Schiff lying: 48:00
Walt Armour