
Biden Ignorant of Free Enterprise

https://twitter.com/i/status/1351618082406481923 Walt Armour


Thirteenth Circuit Court Judge Says Election Was Rigged


Kevin A. Elsenheimer

Google search                                         https://www.google.com/search?q=judge+kevin+elsenheimer&oq=Judge+Kevin+Elsenheimer&aqs=chrome.0.0l8.2748j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

The state of Michigan response
 michigan.gov/som/0,4669,7-1Their response contains wiggle words. They say, "No widespread fraud"
Jovan Pulitzer has published data, which concerns voting fraud in Georgia.
There are two major links to his information.


Analysis of Uniting as Biden Recommends

Biden is a Socialist; Hitler was a Socialist. Biden's recommendation of government healthcare is evidence of his Socialism. Obamacare is government healthcare. Blue Cross Blue Shield is free enterprise healthcare. Biden has requested that we unite. Look before you leap. We should not unite with any Socialist. Suppose that Hitler had recommended that the Jews unite with Hitler. "In any election, the overriding consideration in voting should be the political ideologies associated with candidates and the direction America should take. Is it: a. American Conservatism, promoted by Republicans and founded on Biblical/Christian principles that have resulted in the greatest country to have ever existed? Or, b. Democratic Socialism, based on godless Marxism that has resulted in catastrophic failure with over 100 million people murdered by their governments in the 20 th century alone, with millions more living in poverty and misery whenever and wherever it’s been tried? Venezuela is a current example." Gerald J. Boyum Rochester, Minn. The article has links to share it, on it. https://fillmorecountyjournal.com/letter-to-the-editor-why-the-left-hates-america-and-trump/ 


New York Post


Great newspaper
The newspaper is historical
I have been posting their covers on my Twitter account: Wolf_Wolfman