
Cancer Victims | Democrats

Rush talked about the steel worker...whose wife died from cancer...in the Democrat ad.
John Edwards didn't have sympathy for his wife...who died from cancer.


Another lady on Rush's show...a cancer victim...gave me the impression that current Obamacare was unable to help her...according to her doctor.



Democrats thank you



I would like to recommend three secret groups:

  1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
  2. Wolf Den on Facebook
  3. My secret circle on Google+

They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com


I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

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    Scooter batteries-chargers

    C, D, and 9V batteries
    Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
    Button Batteries
    Alkaline Batteries
    Battery Chargers

    Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
    A $25 order will get free shipping.

    Sanyo Batteries

    I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

    I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

    I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

    Tea Tree Oil

    I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

    Just a little dab, will do ya.

    I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

    Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

    I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

    I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

    I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

    I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

    Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.


    Rock Star Returns | July 13, 2012

    gene tew

    By Gene Tew with permission

    Obama made a mistake…again

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – August 1, 2012 –

    July 13, 2012 will go down in history as a day of infamy. [1] That was the day that Barack Obama proclaimed in Lenin like rhetoric, “You didn’t build that”

    President Obama’s star like qualities have been waning in 2012…compared to 2008. However, President Obama has returned to the limelight. As the video shows…he is trying to hide from his remarks. The people know what he said, and a large number of them don’t like it.


    [1] Merriam Webster 

    Definition of INFAMY


    : evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal


    a: an extreme and publicly known criminal or evil act b: the state of being infamous

    I would like to recommend three secret groups:

    1. Dumbasses on Newsvine
    2. Wolf Den on Facebook
    3. My secret circle on Google+

    They are safe havens from liberals. Comments there are free from Liberal remarks and scrutiny.


    Contact author: sendfish1930@hotmail.com


    I met a person , who uses Amazon Prime.

    He told me that he bought Amazon Prime and he’s very pleased with it. Unlimited fast shipping…

    The Wolfman Network



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    Ferocious Conservatives Open



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    Dumbasses only can access the dumbasses link.

    Search…goluckydonald on Newsvine…Over 570 original articles


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    |Windows Live|

    Skydrive Click on link…Then click on Wolfman’s Skydrive at the top

    Music Recommend Panpipe



    My channel Public

    Search engines

    Search… goluckydonald


      Scooter batteries-chargers

      C, D, and 9V batteries
      Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
      Button Batteries
      Alkaline Batteries
      Battery Chargers

      Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
      A $25 order will get free shipping.

      Sanyo Batteries

      I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

      I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

      I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

      Tea Tree Oil

      I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

      Just a little dab, will do ya.

      I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

      Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

      I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

      I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

      I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

      I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

      Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned.


      Tombstone Arizona | Stossel

      Goldwater Institute
      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – July 27, 2012 –
      This is an example of what government is doing to you.
      If you want to control your government, carefully consider how you vote.



      Liberals | Unhappy

      Greece flames
      Image link
      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – July 26, 2012 –
      Liberals are an unhappy bunch. [1] They think that they are smarter, and that they deserve to be rewarded. The professors are smart, but they aren’t rewarded like Steve Jobs was rewarded.
      Rewards come from enterprise, freedom, and property…not income redistribution. Unions like income redistribution. Public school teachers, who promote the liberal philosophy to students, are leading to their own unhappiness.
      Occupy Wall Street’s goal is equality. Equality leads to unhappiness. Inequality leads to happiness. The Soviet Union is an example of failed equality…and unhappiness.
      Greece is the poster child of liberal results… misery and unhappiness.
      President Obama’s ideology is leading the United States in the direction of Greece…misery and unhappiness.

      [1] Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?



      Guns | Watch Video | Think


      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – July 25, 2012 –
      This lady lost her father and her mother. She might have been able to save her mother’s life, if she had been willing to violate a gun law.
      We should keep in mind that guns… in the hands of the people…are feared by government.
      ALL IN
      Make no mistake: Barack Obama has spent his entire political career engaged in a stealthy assault on your Right to Keep and Bear Arms:
      • 1996: Obama endorsed a total ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of all handguns.
      • 1998: Obama endorsed a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms.
      • 1999: Obama supported a 500 percent increase in federal taxes on ammunition.
      • 2003: Obama voted to ban single-shot, over-under and side-by-side shotguns.
      • 2004: Obama said the right to carry should be banned nationwide.

      Obama even said you shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun in your home for self-defense!
      It’s true: Before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Washington, D.C.’s ban on firearms in the home for self-defense, Obama had the gall to say that the ban was constitutional.
      Worse yet, when the Illinois legislature voted on a bill that would exempt residents from prosecution for violating a local handgun ban if they used their handguns for self-defense in their own homes, Obama voted against the bill!
      Once in the White House, Obama filled his cabinet with the most rabid anti-gun and radical anti-hunting extremists ever seen in Washington.
      When he was Bill Clinton’s “gun czar” in 1998, Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel led the charge for a massive new ban on imported semi-auto rifles. One of his henchmen bragged at the time, “We’re bending the law as far as we can to ban an entirely new class of guns.”
      Obama’s “regulation czar” Cass Sunstein is an animal “rights” zealot who believes hunting should be outlawed and animals should have the “right” to file lawsuits.
      Attorney General Eric Holder was the Clinton administration’s point man on gun control, and he filed a “friend of the court” brief in the Supreme Court’s historic Heller case claiming that you have no individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms!
      That’s just the beginning.
      As soon as he had the chance, President Obama set about stacking the U.S. Supreme Court with anti-gun justices he could trust to reverse our monumental victories in the Heller and McDonald cases.
      Judging from their anti-gun histories, it appears that’s exactly what Obama’s nominees—Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan—will do. They are among the most rabidly anti-gun U.S. Supreme Court justices in American history.
      I could fill 10 more pages detailing how Barack Obama has positioned his chess men to deliver the death blow to your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but my point is this:
      Our freedoms cannot and will not survive four more years of Obama.



      Barack Obama | “You are the reason I ran for office”

      James E. Holmes | Example

      Obama brownshirts I

      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – July 23, 2012 –
      President Obama praised Occupy Wall Street at a speech in Manchester, New Hampshire.
      James E. Holmes was a member of Occupy San Diego.
      A president of the United States should have better values.



      Jon Stewart Slams Obama Executive Privilege, Fast & Furious, and Eric Holder

      While Rome burns

      Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 26, 2012 –
      Therese Nelson posted this video. Thank you Therese!
      I don’t think Jon Stewart approves of executive privilege…or our current government.