WMAL EXCLUSIVE: Woodward's Not Alone - Fmr. Clinton Aide Davis Says He Received White House Threat
The Democrat… former official… says that he was threatened by the Obama administration.
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The Democrat… former official… says that he was threatened by the Obama administration.
These cities have something in common…Democrat control, unions, lousy government…wealth redistribution.
I thought Bob Woodward was free to express his thoughts…without being warned.
If you are a Swiss citizen, your gold storage is protected.
If you are a US citizen, your gold is subject to the US government.
The US government has become the enemy of the individual.
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I have followed Chou Chou for several years. She has spent a large amount of time in Asia. She posted a link to an article about Liu Xia. She posts a number of links daily.
I’m sure that no one in the USA would like to live like Liu Xia…or her husband.
President Obama and Democrats are trying to lead the USA toward Communism. This is one more example of the results of Communism.
Public Domain
The public is losing it’s grip on freedom. Eric Holder says that the public does not have a right to homeschooling…that no one has individual rights.
Congressional Budget Office
This is just another of many illustrations of the misinformation being spread by the snake oil salesman. If there was ever proof that President Obama and Democrats are spreading misinformation: This is it!
Sequester is good for the country.
There is a spending problem.