
Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing

Walt Armour
Video above: December 30, 2020 Starts at 6:50
The video is about five hours long, and I watched most of it.
My impression is that the Georgia Voting System is defective, and the voting personnel are questionable.
One witness said that the voting system should be as sure as a vending machine, or the checkout in a grocery store. Then he pointed out that ballots didn't have barcodes, and some of them did. He went into detail about ballot defects.
A woman poll worker testified that poll watchers couldn't see what was going on.
Another woman testified that in one case, there was one (R) poll watcher, and three (D) poll watchers. The idea being that the (R) poll watchers were outnumbered, and the (D)'s did as they pleased. 
I have zero confidence in Georgia's voting system, and it will be a miracle, if there is a (R) win on January 5.
My guess is; the Socialists will win and start "changing our country" like Schumer says.


Pennsylvania Election Certification Error


Walt Armour


US Voting Systems


Trump Vetoed NDAA

 Trump vetoed NDAA 

My guess is; the US government failed to adapt to conditions. If someone has a limited number of resources, it isn’t prudent to spend resources unnecessarily. 
The US debt is huge. We have spent money on foreign countries for years. We have spent money on foolhardy projects for years. There is a point where spending will become crucial, and unnecessary spending will stop. 
To spend money as it was spent in the NDAA legislation is wrong. Behavior, which supports spending, like spending in the NDAA legislation, should be punished. Trump’s veto should be rewarded. 
$4.5MM to spray rats with bobcat urine 
$2MM to analyze if hot tubs reduce stress 
$1.3MM to study if we’ll eat bugs