
Natural Rights

US Constitution Better
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We all have a natural right, given to us by our Creator, to the fruits of our labor.
Slavery denied the rights of slaves to their natural rights. The question of natural rights brought on political activities in the 1850’s and 1860’s.
Abraham Lincoln was in favor of natural rights.
Senator Stephan A. Douglas, Jefferson Davis, and John C. Calhoun brought the United States into a Civil War in an attempt to deny natural rights.
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.
Senator Stephan A. Douglas, Jefferson Davis, and John C. Calhoun were Democrats.
I am proud of my Republican history.
I believe that there is a Creator, and that He has given me natural rights.

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The Republican Party Was Formed in 1854

US Constitution Better

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The Republican Party was formed in 1854 in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

The Kansas-Nebraska act allowed the practice of slavery.

The party was started in Jackson, Michigan. Jackson, Michigan… where I had most of my truck maintenance done. I stopped there multiple times weekly for fuel, maintenance, food, scales, and rest…for several years. I wish that I could contact my friends in Jackson. My contact is available in my bio here.

This knowledge of the Republican party… was obtained from Hillsdale College… in a Constitution 101 course on the Internet.




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Scooter batteries-chargers

C, D, and 9V batteries
Laptop battery deals-drastic price cuts Example: Buy new: $110.95 $29.49
Button Batteries
Alkaline Batteries
Battery Chargers

Sanyo batteries recharge 1500 times. Energizer, Duracell, and Rayovac charge hundreds of times.
A $25 order will get free shipping.

Sanyo Batteries

I’ve had Sanyo AA and AAA batteries for several months now, and I like them.

I’ve also noticed that they are a little larger in diameter than Energizer batteries.

I use them in my flashlight, mouse, camera, et cetera. They last a long time without recharging in the flashlight, mouse, and camera.

Tea Tree Oil

I purchased 1 oz. of Tea Tree oil for about $6.

Just a little dab, will do ya.

I had an ear canal infection about January 10. As of February 16, it’s completely cured.

Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic, and I used a lot of vitamin C during that time. I’m not talking pills, I’m talking clementine's, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, et cetera.

I used an ear syringe to flush out the ear canal, and I used hydrogen peroxide.

I put hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls inside my ear to prevent germs, etc. from getting onto my pillow and bed.

I was concerned about gangrene. If blood circulation is cut off, gangrene can result.

I also used “sweet oil” in my ear canal.

Getting back to Tea Tree Oil: They advertise that it is antibiotic, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. I applied it to various areas of my body, and it’s effective as far as I’m concerned


I’ve Got Important Stuff to Take Care Of

hillsdale college building
Labeled for reuse
I’m taking a course in Constitution 101 online from Hillsdale College. I have completed 7 weeks, and I have 3 weeks to go to finish the course. Constitution 101 gets top priority.
Here’s a sample of Abraham Lincoln’s writing:
The doctrine of self-government is right—absolutely and eternally right—but it has no just application, as here attempted. Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such just application depends upon whether a negro is not or is a man. If he is not a man, why in that case, he who is a man may, as a matter of self-government, do just as he pleases with him. But if the negro is a man, is it not to that extent, a total destruction of self-government, to say that he too shall not govern himself? When the white man governs himself that is self-government; but when he governs himself, and also governs another man, that is more than self-government—that is despotism. If the negro is a man, why then my ancient faith teaches me that “all men are created equal;” and that there
We now have a situation where President Obama is trying to not only govern himself, but is trying to govern another man.
"I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress," Obama said on Monday. "And I'd just remind conservative commentators that for years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. Well, this is a good example. And I'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step."
Read more:
Many prominent people have said that President Obama made a mistake. 57 laws…passed with strong support…have been declared unconstitutional since 1980.
We now have a situation where Van Jones is trying to not only govern himself, but is trying to govern another man.
An Egypt-styled “Arab Spring,” which has put radicals in charge of the government, will be launched in the United States this spring with a war on “corporate power, Wall Street greed and the political corruption of the 1 percent,” according to the group headed by former Obama green aide Van Jones.
President Obama is a Van Jones supporter…and an Occupy Wall Street supporter.
God Bless America

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The Constitution Rules | Obama and Holder Do Not Determine Constitutionality

US Constitution Better
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 8, Year of Our Lord  2012 –
It has become self evident that President Obama and Eric Holder, among others, have decided to become judicial tyrants. The Constitution rules that the Supreme Court has the exclusive power to adjudicate. President Obama and Eric Holder have decided that they will decide whether Obamacare is constitutional, but they were forced to admit that the Supreme Court has the final decision. The President Obama and Eric Holder decision is: The Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
That is tyranny by the executive branch...and steps on the power of the judicial branch of the Federal government.

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57 Laws | Some Supported Strongly | Have Been Declared Unconstitutional | President Was Wrong

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 6 –
This article publishes some of my thoughts.
Excerpt from that article:
    John Fund puts his finger on why the president’s words were so disturbing:
    The implication of [the president’s statement] was that he hasn’t heard of Marbury v. Madison, in which the Supreme Court laid down the doctrine of judicial review in 1803, and by which the Court can strike down unconstitutional laws. Indeed, since 1981, the Court has struck down 57 specific legislative acts of Congress, an average of two per year. …
    So it is surreal for Obama, a former constitutional-law professor and president of the Harvard Law Review, to go after the court as if he were a demagogue seeking reelection. As the Wall Street Journal put it: “Obama’s inner community organizer seems to be winning out over the law professor.”
Some of the laws declared unconstitutional were supported…some strongly. So, Obamacare does not enjoy immunity from being declared unconstitutional as President Obama has suggested.
This is not only my opinion. It becomes an established idea…which is publicly stated by other prominent people.
Laurence Tribe…from Harvard… Obama Misspoke on Supreme Court
Jonathan Turley’s assessment:
    Holder’s statement on judicial activism will likely only further alienate some judges and possible some justices.
Other ideas:
    Even some liberals believe the president went too far yesterday. Ruth Marcus, an editorial writer who covers the Supreme Court for the Washington Post, said Obama’s assault “stopped me cold . . . for the president to imply that the only explanation for a constitutional conclusion contrary to his own would be out-of-control conservative justices does the court a disservice.” It was a mistake for Obama to “declare war” on the court, says Jon Meacham, a contributing editor of Time magazine.
President Obama’s act of publicly stating misinformation is disturbing to say the least. He may be capable of other irresponsible acts.
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President Obama | Precedence Error

US Constitution Better
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 5, 2012 –
At 7 AM this morning I turned on the FoxNews cable channel. They had a segment on President Obama's claim that the US Supreme Court decision on Obamacare would be without precedent… if the law was declared unconstitutional. Then at about 1 PM Rush Limbaugh had segments about the precedence error. At 3 PM Sean Hannity had a segment about the precedence error. At around 4 PM Shepard Smith had a segment about the precedence error. The consensus was: Eric Holder upheld the right of the justices to declare Obamacare unconstitutional, but he added other claims in the letter to the 5th Circuit Court.
Jonathan Turley’s assessment:
Holder’s statement on judicial activism will likely only further alienate some judges and possible some justices.
So, I don’t see where President Obama, or Holder, has improved the chances of Obamacare being declared constitutional.
Laurence Tribe from Harvard: Obama Misspoke on Supreme Court
Finally…The battle cry that the US Supreme Court Justices are racist…just won’t work with Obamacare  being tried in the US Supreme Court. The racism argument just won’t work here.
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Appeals court fires back at Obama's comments on health care case

US Constitution Better

President Obama has alienated the judiciary. He and Holder had 48 hours to send a letter to the 5th Circuit Court of appeals yesterday…now they have until tomorrow...Thursday April 5, 2012!

It’s time to hold President Obama and Eric Holder accountable!

The order, by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, appears to be in direct response to the president's comments yesterday about the Supreme Court's review of the health care law. Mr. Obama all but threw down the gauntlet with the justices, saying he was "confident" the Court would not "take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
Overturning a law of course would not be unprecedented -- since the Supreme Court since 1803 has asserted the power to strike down laws it interprets as unconstitutional. The three-judge appellate court appears to be asking the administration to admit that basic premise -- despite the president's remarks that implied the contrary. The panel ordered the Justice Department to submit a three-page, single-spaced letter by noon Thursday addressing whether the Executive Branch believes courts have such power, the lawyer said.

I plan to post more tomorrow.

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