

Philly New Black Panthers
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 23, 2012 –
Nancy Pelosi Says Contempt Vote Against Eric Holder Is Really About Voter Suppression
Nancy may be right. It is about voter suppression…by Eric Holder. Holder dismissed the case against the people in involved in the Philly poll event. Holder's Black Panther Stonewall


Holder | Contempt Charges | Obama | Executive Privilege

Obama Holder Fast and Furious
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 20, 2012 –
The House could vote on a resolution to hold Eric Holder in contempt next week.
A House committee voted Wednesday along party lines to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to provide documents to congressional investigators from the Fast and Furious gun walking operation.
The White House dismissed the vote and the proceedings as "political theater," but the contempt vote will increase political pressure on both Holder and the Justice Department. The full House of Representatives could consider the contempt resolution as soon as next week.
The vote against Holder came hours after the White House invoked executive privilege over documents the committee subpoenaed more than eight months ago. It is the first time President Obama has asserted executive privilege in a dispute with Congress and Republicans said it was clear Obama was trying to shield Holder from the investigation. Source

If the contempt vote against Holder passes the House , the Senate will not vote on the contempt resolution. Wikipedia-contempt of Congress


Defend This: President Obama Attended a Conference…100th Anniversary of Marx’s Death | President Obama Spoke at Communist Party Headquarters in Chicago

Communist Party Headquarters Chicago

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 18, 2012 –

I’m publishing this to see whether reasonable arguments can be made to defend President Obama’s activities.

Information about President Obama’s attendance at the Socialist Scholars Conference… on the 100th anniversary of Marx’s death… is in this link.  Link



President Obama Bypasses Congress | Bids for Votes

Acorn marxist grow

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 15, 2012 –
Steve Lopez: Easy to be skeptical about Obama immigration motives
President Obama has done, what the legislature did not do. President Obama has usurped Congress. The Constitution did not intend for the President to legislate. The people are supposed to be represented by Congress in a Republic.
President Obama has done similar things before, and will probably get away with it. He will probably get an undetermined amount of votes as a result. If Congress allows this to happen, so be it. I , and others, as a citizen, have not been represented. I am a victim of a tyrant.


I Don’t Have to Define Marxism | To Write About Marxist President Obama

Acorn marxist grow
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 14, 2012 –
This article was referred to in a recent comment on my Newsvine column...
It was originally published December 19, 2011.
I have been asked numerous times to define what I believe Marxism is. I have not complied, because what I believe Marxism is, is immaterial. Everyone knows what Cuba is. If you want a definition of Communism, there it is; Cuba.

I have said the President Obama is a Marxist. What I have said about President Obama is not false. President Obama told Joe the plumber, I want to spread the wealth around. Spreading the wealth around is also called redistribution of wealth. Tax the rich is redistribution of wealth. Take from the rich, tax the upper 1%.

That’s wealth redistribution. Chou Chou, my dear friend, made a comment, which presents the flip side of wealth redistribution:
Anthony #3.9
On the note of equality:
History has shown that equality of results is completely impractical. The only thing that equality of results has accomplished where it has been implemented is to spread poverty and famine. It has never raised the living standards of those it claimed to benefit, but has only lowered them. As has been noted by many ' capitalism is the uneven distribution of wealth, and socialism the even distribution of poverty.
In sum, egalitarianism, concept of Marx, the holy grail of socialism, leads to mediocrity.
"Conservatives divide the world in terms of good and evil while liberals do it in terms of the rich and poor.” ---Dennis Prager.
#3.10 - Sun Dec 18, 2011 12:18 AM EST
Wealth redistribution is a major tenet of Marxism. There is no unequal distribution of wealth in Cuba.
President Obama appointed Van Jones as a czar. Van Jones is the poster child of the even distribution of poverty. Van Jones is a friend and supporter of Occupy Wall Street. President Obama is on a friendly basis with Van Jones to this day.
President Obama recently stated, “Families like yours, young people like the ones here today — including the ones who were just chanting at me — [1] you’re the reason that I ran for office in the first place.” Occupy Wall Street opposes unequal distribution of wealth. Occupy Wall street supports “spreading the wealth around”. President Obama supports “spreading the wealth around”.
These are relatively recent examples of President Obama’s Marxism.
President Obama has displayed his affinity to Marxism for decades. He taught an Alinsky workshop for several years in the 1980’s. Alinsky was a closet Communist.
Money was distributed to “community causes” under President Obama’s watch at Chicago organizations in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
President Obama put this into print: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I choose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists,” Obama in his book “Dreams from my Father”.”
Our Marxist Wizard of Oz
More… Scroll down for more Wolf Wolfman Newsvine articles
[1] Occupy Wall Street


Skyrocket | Marxist Friendly | Other

Obama Post-Apocalypse


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 13, 2012 –

The price of electricity will skyrocket

I choose my friends carefully…the Marxist Professors

The private sector is doing fine

Add jobs by hiring in the public sector

The private sector created 69,000 jobs last month. 375,000 jobs a month need to be created to be “doing fine”.
Adding public sector jobs, if carried to extreme, would have no taxpayers in the private sector… to pay for the public sector. There would be no private sector revenue to the federal government… to pay for public sector employees.

Let them eat cake


Fear Not

Obama obamacare pace car

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 12, 2012 –
The US Supreme Court is going to rule on the constitutionality of Obamacare in June.
We’ll find out whether the legislature and the executive have been involved in unconstitutional activity.
In July we’ll find out whether the US government has been involved in unconstitutional activity in regard to immigration.
It remains to be seen how the courts will rule in regard to unconstitutional government activity in regard to religious freedom…but it is in the works.
Fear not…the private sector is doing fine….President Obama said so. Video

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