

‎8:40 PM Eastern time...Rubio will be speaking shortly at the RNC. Then Clint Eastwood...and finally Mitt Romney.
I tried to find the times...O'Reilly was on and they were talking about the schedule. I think they're talking about Bain Capital now.


Jay Leno | Dennis Miller | Sandra Fluke

Dennis “Sandra Fluke” “Moan of Arc”
A bunch of people applauded Dennis Miller during his conversation with Jay Leno. I hope this means that they like Dennis’ ideas.



President Obama + Islam

Accurate presentation
This video lasts about 45 minutes. I found it worth watching the whole thing…but you can skim through it and get a worthwhile view of president Obama + Islam.
I have a series of Obama videos posted: YouTube


Anti-Obama documentary has strong opening Aug. 25, 2012, 6:21 PM EST

Obama's America

Read Article

275,000 people completed the Constitution 101 course from Hillsdale College. There are a considerable number of educated people.

President Obama is anti-constitution.



Sandra Fluke | Democrat Darling

Original Post by Greg Curtis
+Greg Curtis
Did you know that Democrats tried to keep slavery…they were all for it in 1861.
Sandra testified in the House about spending $3000 on contraceptives. Rush Limbaugh called her a slut. A number of advertisers quit advertising on Rush’s show as a consequence…and a damaging public dialog resulted. I sent an email to Carbonite…and told them I would not use their services…due to cancelling advertising on Rush’s show.
I found an article about Sandra Fluke. It says that it is estimated that $3000 for condoms would provide enough condoms to engage in sex 4.89 times a day!
The Department of Condom Education is a Necessary Federal Agency.
Now I did a little research on condoms at Target’s website. A 36-pack of Trojans costs about $15.00. Yes, you do need to use a new condom every time you have sex. So, if we take Ms. Fluke at her word, that she spends $3,000 over 4 years, let’s see how many condoms she must be going through.
$3,000/4 = $750 per year in “contraceptive costs”
$15.00/36 – 0.42 per condom
$750.00 per year, divided by 0.42 per condom works out to be 1,785 condoms PER YEAR.
if you divide 1,785/365 = 4.89 sex encounters PER DAY.


“You Didn’t Build That”

July 13, 2012
These words have gone a long way.
The Republican Convention has zeroed in on these words. They truly represent the reasons why President Obama should not be elected to another term.
The following link spells out more details:
GOP's On-Target Convention Theme: "We Built This City"