
Constitution | People Don’t Know

Constitution | People Don’t Know

Conatitution Travis Augustine
Congress is the only legal authority that shall make laws.
So why are judges, random police, and the President of the US making laws?
Because WE THE PEOPLE DON’T KNOW the constitution!!


Obama | Privatize Tennessee Valley Authority

TVA privatization would benefit all: GOP should follow Obama's lead

TVA logo

Obama has proposed privatizing the Tennessee Valley Authority.

President Barack Obama has a good idea.

That's a sentence that has never been written on this editorial page and, barring miraculous circumstances, will not again.

The media probably won’t cover this to any extent. It would be nice to see a lot of coverage on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.


Dr. Kermit Gosnell | On Trial For Murdering Aborted Babies

8/24/19                              Pageviews
Dr. Kermit Gosnell | On Trial 180,352
Walt Armour

Dr. Kermit Gosnell | On Trial For Murdering Aborted Babies

This trial has not been prominent in the media. Kirsten Powers wrote an article about it, which was published in USA Today….April 11, 2013. Philadelphia abortion clinic horror: Column

News as of June, 2016


Melissa Harris-Perry | Like Minded | Hitler and Lenin

Melissa Harris-Perry | Like Minded | Hitler and Lenin

There were other people with minds like the mind of Melissa Harris-Perry. Hitler and Lenin were just two of them. Others…like Stalin… are mentioned in this article:

MSNBC Talking Head Melissa Harris-Perry: All Your Children are Belong to Us


Margaret Thatcher | Conservative | 1925 - 2013

Margaret Thatcher | Conservative | 1925 - 2013

Thatcher death

Thatcher transformed the British economy and took on its welfare state and powerful unions. Her government closed or sold state-owned industries, notably struggling steel plants and coal mines, to the private sector and radically cut taxes and public spending — strong medicine, she conceded, but precisely what was needed to restart a stagnant nation.

“The problem with socialism,” she once said, “is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” Source…

"Christianity is about spiritual redemption, not social reform" and she quoted St Paul by saying "If a man will not work he shall not eat". Source…

Thatcher ideals:

Free markets, financial discipline, firm control over public expenditure, tax cuts, nationalism, 'Victorian values' (of the Samuel Smiles self-help variety), privatisation and a dash of populism. Source…


Pelosi | Bad Ideas

Pelosi | Bad Ideas

Pelosi Obamacare google

Obama likes the way Pelosi thinks!…The people don’t tell us what to do…we tell the people what to do.