
“You know who isn't running for President?

https://twitter.com/KatiePavlich/status/587355140283359233Retweets 658 Favorites 537Wolf Wolfman @Wolf_Wolfman ·...

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Monday, April 13, 2015

Are You Sick of Obama? --- Pass This On


Please note --- Observations on Hillary's Big Announcement Day

Hillary wants to harm the United States as we knew it
From Wikipedia

Saul Alinsky: Hillary is a fan

A woman wanted to take away your freedom

Hillary is mentioned in Cloward and Piven; 1:25 in the video


Hillary blamed the Benghazi attack on a video
Hillary kept her email on her own server
Hillary tampered with the evidence on that server

A vote for Hillary is not just a vote for a woman. It is a vote for a dangerous woman.