
District Court Ruling | HR lawsuit against Obamacare

October 19, 2015
Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Saturday, October 24, 2015

This means that lawyers for both sides will make arguments for their view, and a decision will be made. This court is a district court located in Washington DC. I'm going to ask clinging ivy to comment.
Anything unconstitutional is unenforceable, the Constitution being the highest law of the land.


The Hillary known by Google




She is a lawyer and has access to excellent lawyers. She is also a master of deception. Let us see her wriggle out of this predicament.



Creo en angelitos, tambien. Mil gracias, mi DF y SM. Gracias a ti por compartirlo. Espero que todo bien contigo. 


93,316,000 US Citizens Believe Obama is a Muslim | Based on CNN/ORC Poll

29% of US citizens believe Obama is a Muslim according to a CNN/ORC poll.
NPR: Trump Does Nothing as Questioner Says Obama is Muslim  
There are approximately 321 million US citizens. 29% of 321 million is 93 million.
93 million US citizens believe that Obama is a Muslim.
15% of Democrats and 43% of Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim. 
So, NPR, Trump has done something.

Obama is a Muslim. He admitted so himself. All his actions are pro-Islam.      


The Obama administration is exploring the possibility ot moving Gitmo detainees to the US

A letter has been sent to Obama.
As I understand it; it is a crime to move detainees at Gitmo to the US under current US law.

clinging ivyOctober 12, 2015 at 2:51 PM
Obobo is hell-bent in destroying USA. This is as clear as daylight.

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