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Off to a Bad Start

The country is on the wrong trackvia Joseph Guerra
Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Thursday, December 17, 2015

Rush Limbaugh: Tell Me How the Budget Deal Would Be Worse If Democrats Ran Congress


Governor Tom Wolf | Mayor Bill Peduto

 Tom Wolf Governor of Pennsylvania
 Bill Peduto Mayor of Pittsburgh
Feds: Pa. teen charged with providing support to Islamic State

Governor Wolf and Mayor Peduto have gambled that getting more Democrat votes and personal gain will trump failure to provide security to all the citizens. In other words, they will attempt to get more Democrat votes and personal gain, and sacrifice the security of all the citizens.
They want to assure the citizens that their security is not threatened by bringing refugees into the USA. 
Time will tell.

Left: Tom Wolf Governor of Pennsylvania Right: Bill Peduto Mayor of PittsburghBoth enabling 'refugees'Feds: Pa. teen...

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Friday, December 18, 2015


Chris Matthews | Tingle Up His Leg

You have a right to talk about a tingle up your leg.
You have a responsibility to suffer the consequences instead of arrogance.


Obama Delusional

Posted by Chou Chou on Facebook and Google+

One of the more intriguing -- and disturbing -- aspects of Barack Obama's presidential behavior is his stubbornly persistent belief that saying something, anything, makes it so. Even in the face of bold facts to the contrary.



Attorney General Loretta Lynch
December 4th 2015 she stated:
"Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals… when we see that, we will take action.""

So, if someone uses anti-Muslim rhetoric for potential violence against individuals in North Texas or anywhere else...Loretta Lynch says, "We will take action.
Armed protests have already taken place in North Texas.

Ten RINOS voted to confirm Loretta Lynch


Image of the day: Faces of jihad - Liberty Unyielding

Click on image to enlarge
Image of the day: Faces of jihad - Liberty UnyieldingClick on image
Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Sunday, December 13, 2015