Showing posts with label #5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #5. Show all posts


Can you tell us about Grandpa Andy and his wife, child, and farmland?

Can you tell us about Grandpa Andy and his wife, child, and farmland?
Grandpa Andy was born the son of a shoemaker. Cholera epidemics existed at the time of his birth. He had a sister, Eliza. He had two brothers, who I’m aware of; Adam and Jake. Adam was a farm owner; his farm was near Ayersville, Ohio. Jake was another brother. Jake worked at the Defiance County road department. Andy married Catherine Kaestner, who was a neighbor. Andy’s ancestors lived in Germany, and his wife’s ancestors lived in Germany. Andy had six children; three boys and three girls. Andy built a home. Andy owned the farmland, which the home was on. Andy had income from milk, eggs, and produce. Andy raised fields of tomatoes, and housing for tomatoe laborers were on his farm. He raised and roasted peanuts. Andy made applebutter in two ten gallon pots. Andy buried produce to preserve vegetables. Andy’s youngest son, Ralph, inherited Andy’s farm. Ralph’s daughter Brenda has a home on Andy’s farm, Jonathon and Michael; Ralph’s sons are active on Andy’s farm

Can you tell us about Grandpa Andy and his wife, child, and farmland?

Andy and Grandma Wolfrum had an upright piano in their home.

They also had a Victrola. 

Andy and Grandma had catalpa trees in their yard.