No, I didn't have a car in high school.
I wrote a story about "Water", which I will post.
I was born in 1930. There was a cistern in front of the house that I lived in. The cistern collected rain water. The pump was worn and wouldn't work. Andy Wolfrum's father had used the cistern as a water source. There were no rivers, lakes, or water sources nearby. So water had to come from other cisterns. Andy Wolfrum drilled a well around 1936. Our house was a football field away from his, and we used his well water. We bathed in galvanized wash tubs, which were also used to wash clothes. They held about twenty gallons of water. My father had a Model A Ford car. We used the car to haul water. We used 10 gallon milk containers to hold water.
Don Wolfrum, March 06, 2023
Andy was concerned about Sulphur being in the water. He tasted the first samples to check on Sulphur content. Sulphur tastes and smells bad.
Don Wolfrum, March 07, 2023