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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – November 10 –
My brother Wolfbilly sent an email about Akiane to me. He regularly sends some impressive email. I would like to share Akaine’s story with everyone, but there is a method in my madness.
First, please click on the link provided above and scan the website to gain some perspective on what I’m about to say:
Young, non productive parasites, or all non productive parasites, do not deserve to share in Akaine’s wealth. She has earned her wealth, her brother has earned his wealth, and it should be theirs to do with as they wish. Anything less than that is denying their liberty, and freedom. The argument of sharing the wealth can be made in 40 thousand different ways, and it will never, and I repeat, never, convince me.
Does Akiane owe the Occupy Wall Street group anything? Absolutely not. Akaine is beautiful in many ways; Occupy Wall Streeters are disgusting.
President Obama talks about having money he doesn’t need. Well, let him give it all to Occupy Wall Street, but leave this beautiful, talented, rich, young girl, alone.