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James O’Keefe, Plaintiff
Current Media, LLC, Keith Olberman, and David Shuster, Defendants
Dated February 27, 2012


Limbaugh Advertisers: We Still Won't Sponsor Rush Anymore (UPDATED)

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Rush said today that advertisers are standing in line to advertise on his program. He mentioned that he had turned down GM at a previous time.

'The Vetting, Part I: Obama's love song to Alinsky'

by: Andrew Breitbart

    Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.

Rest in peace Andrew...
I’ll try to follow up with Part II.


AIPAC - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee

netanyahu et al
AttributionSome rights reserved by IsraelinUSA
Israeli Ambassor to the US, Benjamin Netanyahu, Their Wives
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This is not a pitch for AIPAC. It is an announcement of an event, which you may or may not find interesting. The meeting will start Sunday March 4, 2012.
    Confirmed Speakers:
    President of the United States Barack Obama
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
    Israeli President Shimon Peres
    Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
    House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
    Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
    Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
    Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
    ...and many more!
I plan to listen to Benjamin Netanyahu. Pat Buchanan says that Israel will attack Iran by June 2012.
AIPAC 2012: Obama Defends Policies Toward Israel, Fends Off Partisan Critiques
    By the time Obama spoke at the conference, a session-opening foreign policy roundtable had injected a mood of partisan rancor into the proceedings, with Liz Cheney, a former State Department official, and daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, telling the audience that she hoped that next year's AIPAC forum would take place under a different administration. Link
    "There is no president who has done more to delegitimize and undermine the State of Israel than President Obama," Cheney said, to huge applause from the expected 13,000 attendees at the Washington Convention Center.
Last year: Obama Tells AIPAC: Let’s Cut Israel in Half – Create “Contiguous” Palestinian State (Video)
If you don't believe what President Obama says, just wait...last year...threw Israel under the bus.
Former Top Israeli Official Slams Obama’s AIPAC Speech: “His Words Are Tough But His Actions Aren’t” (Video)


Andrew Breitbart’s Web Site

Link to Big Government
There were a lot of nice links there a few moments ago.

Andrew Breitbart Dead…43 Years Old

A Great American
Click on the video…Click on “Watch On YouTube”
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – March 1, 2012 –

Andrew was instrumental in exposing ACORN, vote fraud, and I hoped that he would take on “free government contraception”.
Condolences to his family, friends, and like minded individuals.


Transcript: Sandra Fluke testifies on why women should be allowed access to contraception and reproductive health care | What The Folly?!

sandra fluke
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We and China are supposed to provide $3,000 … contraception for college women...Obamacare! 
    Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school. For a lot of students who, like me, are on public interest scholarships, that’s practically an entire summer’s salary. 40% of the female students at Georgetown Law reported to us that they struggle financially as a result of this policy.
I don’t want to be coerced into assisting college law students to be promiscuous.
Freedom is the ability to do as I please, without coercion.