
President Obama’s Showdown With God | God Will Handle It

Familiar Space


President Obama plans to have a prayer vigil, March 26, for Obamacare. This man, who sat in Reverend Wright’s church for twenty years…and then left. This man supports the killing of aborted babies, who survive abortion. The man who has Ezekiel Emanuel in his administration, who advocates elimination of the Hippocratic oath and death for senior citizens. The man who praises and aids Muslims. The man who left the Creator out of his speeches, when referring to the Declaration of Independence.
It will be interesting to see how God handles this.
President Obama, David Axlerod, and George Soros are not dealing with Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and illegal immigrants here. They are dealing with the Creator, Divine Providence. Natures God, and Supreme Judge of the World. I have realized that the US Constitution and The Declaration of Independence are based on belief in God.
Atheists are ignored as far as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution is concerned. The atheists are either unwilling or unable to change the constitution.
The Creator of the universe, which has no boundaries, which has distances measured in light years, which has a sun with awesome properties, will see a prayer vigil for Obamacare, and will act with divine wisdom.


American flag with President Obama's image sparks outrage at Florida Democrats

The person, who is able to prevent this from happening says, she is going to seek legal advice.
The regulations in the following will probably prevail:
Statute 256.05, which covers improper use of state or United States flag, or other symbol of authority, reads: "No person shall, in any manner, for exhibition or display:
"(1) Place or cause to be placed any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawing or advertisement of any nature upon any flag, standard, color, ensign or shield of the United States or of this state, or authorized by any law of the United States or this state; or
"(2) Expose to public view any such flag, standard, color, ensign or shield upon which shall have been printed, painted or otherwise produced, or to which shall have been attached, appended, affixed or annexed any such word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawing or advertisement."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/03/14/us-flag-depicting-president-obama-removed-from-floridas-lake-county-democratic/#ixzz1pWCVLo2j


President Obama is Vulnerable

Obama ratings march 15 2011
Recent polls
A well groomed person is not necessarily electable.
Some seem to think President Obama has a lock on the presidential elections. I see  predictions of an easy victory in the November elections this year. I see evidence that people believe that the Republican candidates are all inferior to President Obama.
Any Capitalist is preferable over a Marxist.
Recently President Obama has concentrated on gas prices. He has thrown his recent energy ideas under the bus. And…sadly some polls show that the people being polled have fallen for it. Please let me remind you that President Obama’s ideas were to reduce, or eliminate the use of coal, an abundant resource. His administration advocated high gas prices, and now they are conveniently throwing that Idea under the bus.
The “eagle” policy of President Obama’s administration is troubling to say the least. It’s okay for the Arapaho Indians to kill two eagles…unprecedented. While the administration challenges the beliefs of Catholics, denies Catholic chaplains the ability to read a letter in church services…they allow the Arapahos to kill eagles.
I heard President Obama talking about gas prices today, and he attempted to be humorous. To try to increase gas prices, and then hide what you advocated, is not humorous .
President Obama is relying on short memories. He has succeeded spectacularly. People forgot about his “New Party”,  a communist party, membership in 1996. They gloss over President Obama’s endorsement of Danny Davis in a Communist building, at a Communist function. President Obama appeared there in person.
Keep your eyes on the ball!


Obama Assigned Bell at University of Chicago Law School

Read Article
Marxists poison susceptible minds.
The approval rating for President Obama improved in a recent poll. The polled fell for recent economic improvements. They discount that President Obama is a Marxist, and accept his path to destruction of the US!
In a September 24, 1992 interview with C-Span’s Brian Lamb, Lamb quoted this paragraph from Bell’s book and asked Bell for comment.
Black people will never gain full equality in this country. Even those Herculean efforts we hail as successful will produce no more than temporary peaks of progress, short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance as racial patterns adapt in ways that maintain white dominance. This is a hard-to-accept fact that all history verifies. We must acknowledge it, not as a sign of submission, but as an act of ultimate defiance. (p. 12, italics in original)
“That, if I had to put down my whole thirty five years working in this [field] is [my view] reflected… If you read nothing else, I think that reflects my experience,” Bell told Lamb.

President Obama has been rewarded for his Marxist behavior since 1992  and even prior to then!



Congressman evasive on Communism-Hangs with Commies
Read an Article Optional
Barack Obama: “He shares our values”
Social justice was mentioned in my Derrick Bell articles. Social justice is mentioned in connection with this video. Social justice is a recurring mantra in the “friends of President Obama”. Social justice is not in the Constitution. The friends of Obama cannot get it into the constitution without following the constitutional procedure. Social justice is President Obama and friends’ bad idea.
Every citizen not only has a right, but a duty, to protect and defend the US constitution.


President Obama | Picture Puzzle

Above: Here is the picture on the box, of the completed picture puzzle:
I like to think about President Obama in terms of a picture puzzle.
Then you’ll like the first piece of the puzzle: Muslim link
Then there’s a “flawed constitution” piece: Link
Mr. Pollak has a handle on President Obama: Link
Barack Obama Constitution quote in context!
We are Five Days Away from Fundamentally Transforming America
Dreams from My Father: I choose my friends carefully…     President Obama's Friend Derrick Bell
This is just a beginning…There are hundreds and hundreds of additional pieces.
The pieces cover decades.
Many of the pieces are secret.
Many of the pieces are hidden.
As long as two people know about the pieces, the pieces are trickling out: 'The Vetting, Part I: Obama's love song to Alinsky'


In My Email Today

Received via email
What you see is what you get.
This was published near the end of 2009.
I checked this out on Snopes, but didn’t find anything.
If there is proof of falsehood, please comment.