
The Constitution Rules | Obama and Holder Do Not Determine Constitutionality

US Constitution Better
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 8, Year of Our Lord  2012 –
It has become self evident that President Obama and Eric Holder, among others, have decided to become judicial tyrants. The Constitution rules that the Supreme Court has the exclusive power to adjudicate. President Obama and Eric Holder have decided that they will decide whether Obamacare is constitutional, but they were forced to admit that the Supreme Court has the final decision. The President Obama and Eric Holder decision is: The Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
That is tyranny by the executive branch...and steps on the power of the judicial branch of the Federal government.

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57 Laws | Some Supported Strongly | Have Been Declared Unconstitutional | President Was Wrong

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 6 –
This article publishes some of my thoughts.
Excerpt from that article:
    John Fund puts his finger on why the president’s words were so disturbing:
    The implication of [the president’s statement] was that he hasn’t heard of Marbury v. Madison, in which the Supreme Court laid down the doctrine of judicial review in 1803, and by which the Court can strike down unconstitutional laws. Indeed, since 1981, the Court has struck down 57 specific legislative acts of Congress, an average of two per year. …
    So it is surreal for Obama, a former constitutional-law professor and president of the Harvard Law Review, to go after the court as if he were a demagogue seeking reelection. As the Wall Street Journal put it: “Obama’s inner community organizer seems to be winning out over the law professor.”
Some of the laws declared unconstitutional were supported…some strongly. So, Obamacare does not enjoy immunity from being declared unconstitutional as President Obama has suggested.
This is not only my opinion. It becomes an established idea…which is publicly stated by other prominent people.
Laurence Tribe…from Harvard… Obama Misspoke on Supreme Court
Jonathan Turley’s assessment:
    Holder’s statement on judicial activism will likely only further alienate some judges and possible some justices.
Other ideas:
    Even some liberals believe the president went too far yesterday. Ruth Marcus, an editorial writer who covers the Supreme Court for the Washington Post, said Obama’s assault “stopped me cold . . . for the president to imply that the only explanation for a constitutional conclusion contrary to his own would be out-of-control conservative justices does the court a disservice.” It was a mistake for Obama to “declare war” on the court, says Jon Meacham, a contributing editor of Time magazine.
President Obama’s act of publicly stating misinformation is disturbing to say the least. He may be capable of other irresponsible acts.
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President Obama | Precedence Error

US Constitution Better
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 5, 2012 –
At 7 AM this morning I turned on the FoxNews cable channel. They had a segment on President Obama's claim that the US Supreme Court decision on Obamacare would be without precedent… if the law was declared unconstitutional. Then at about 1 PM Rush Limbaugh had segments about the precedence error. At 3 PM Sean Hannity had a segment about the precedence error. At around 4 PM Shepard Smith had a segment about the precedence error. The consensus was: Eric Holder upheld the right of the justices to declare Obamacare unconstitutional, but he added other claims in the letter to the 5th Circuit Court.
Jonathan Turley’s assessment:
Holder’s statement on judicial activism will likely only further alienate some judges and possible some justices.
So, I don’t see where President Obama, or Holder, has improved the chances of Obamacare being declared constitutional.
Laurence Tribe from Harvard: Obama Misspoke on Supreme Court
Finally…The battle cry that the US Supreme Court Justices are racist…just won’t work with Obamacare  being tried in the US Supreme Court. The racism argument just won’t work here.
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Appeals court fires back at Obama's comments on health care case

US Constitution Better

President Obama has alienated the judiciary. He and Holder had 48 hours to send a letter to the 5th Circuit Court of appeals yesterday…now they have until tomorrow...Thursday April 5, 2012!

It’s time to hold President Obama and Eric Holder accountable!

The order, by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, appears to be in direct response to the president's comments yesterday about the Supreme Court's review of the health care law. Mr. Obama all but threw down the gauntlet with the justices, saying he was "confident" the Court would not "take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."
Overturning a law of course would not be unprecedented -- since the Supreme Court since 1803 has asserted the power to strike down laws it interprets as unconstitutional. The three-judge appellate court appears to be asking the administration to admit that basic premise -- despite the president's remarks that implied the contrary. The panel ordered the Justice Department to submit a three-page, single-spaced letter by noon Thursday addressing whether the Executive Branch believes courts have such power, the lawyer said.

I plan to post more tomorrow.

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Obama vs. Marbury v. Madison - WSJ.com


Separation of Powers | US Constitution

US Constitution Better

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♫ How Great Thou Art - Carrie Underwood and Vince Gill
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 3, 2012 –
The President of the United States didn’t like the US Supreme Court decision: Campaign-finance limits violate free speech
President Obama stated his ideas in a State of the Union speech.
Justice Alito reacted in negative way to President Obama’s State of the Union speech...where he referred to the campaign finance limits violate free speech.
Now, the President is publicly stating ideas… he is telling the justices to follow his advice in deciding whether Obamacare is constitutional.
The justices can do as they wish. They have lifetime tenure.
President Obama is trying to use his executive branch position to influence the judicial branch. It is not President Obama’s job to decide whether Obamacare is constitutional. It is a decision to be made by the US Supreme Court justices.
I’m guessing that Clarence Thomas, and others will react negatively to President Obama’s disregard for the Constitutional separation of power.
I would also point out that 34 Democrats in the House voted against Obamacare. President Obama could, and should, receive a negative reaction from them. I would suggest that David Axlerod consider this point.
President Obama has mentioned that the justices are judicial activists. The justices are not making law. They are deciding whether a US citizen can be forced to buy something.
The US Constitution states the rules.
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Barack Skyrocket Obama

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – April 2, 2012 –
President Obama talks about gasoline prices, how the United States uses 23 percent of the world’s petroleum with only 2 percent of the world’s population. Even these figures are questionable. The United States has over 200 years of potential petroleum supplies. Barack Obama tells how he is the poor victim, and has little or no control over gasoline prices.
As Paul Harvey said, “The rest of the story”: I like peanuts and peanut butter. The price of peanuts has gone from $450 a ton about a year ago, to $950 a ton now. At that rate the price for peanuts could go to $1,900 a ton by the end of 2012, $3,800 a ton by 2013, $7,600 by 2014, $15,200 by 2015, and $30,400 by 2016…which will be President Obama’s last year, if he is reelected. A small container of peanut butter was $1 a year ago. The same size container of peanut butter is now $1.69. The price of a container of peanut butter could be about $32 at the end of 2016…if the country can survive the big spenders that long.
Corn, wheat, and grain are in a lot of food. The price of corn was about $3 a bushel about a year ago…now, it’s $6 a bushel. I bought Great Value corn chips for $1 a bag for several years prior to this year. That same bag of corn chips is $1.69 now. The price of that same bag of chips could be around $27 at the end of an Obama term in 2016
It’s hard to tell what prices will be under Liberals and President Obama. One thing is nearly certain: Liberals will have kind words for whatever happens, even if they have to share in the misery.

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