
Big Bird Wants Out of Campaign Ad


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Mitt Romney talks about jobs, healthcare, working together…large minded.

Obama talks about spreading the wealth around, Occupy Wall Street was the reason he ran for office, “you didn’t build that”, and Big Bird.

Not Only is President Obama Not the Messiah | It Turns Out That He is Ignorant


Did Obama Just Throw The Entire Election Away?

Article published on Newsvine


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – February 2, 2012 –

Do you remember the bus tours, with President Obama riding around in $million busses shouting "Pass it now"?

Then there's Solyndra. $500 million wasted, Democrat campaign fund skullduggery, and not jobs added, but over 1000 jobs subtracted.

Almost on the heels of that, 3 green job projects, down the tubes. Drip, Drip, Drip: Yet Another Green Energy Stimulus Recipient Hits the Skids (the third this week!)

This is not parting the waters and walking through the Red Sea!

Then there's the lavish life style. A plane ride to New York for entertainment. Michelle's trips; to Spain, and to Africa. $million busses, and $trillion spending. The deficit will be $1 trillion on President Obama's watch. The Congressional Budget Office has revised the gross domestic product downward and unemployment upward for 2012. Congressional Budget Office reports another $1 trillion deficit

President Obama's title should be Barack Trillion Obama.

This is nothing new. President Obama has been operating this way since the 1980's. The community organizer has been able to get his ignorant ideas funded, but his ideas have been a waste. I challenge anyone to cite a major capitalist success of President Obama. By the same token, one could cite Obamacare as a monument to leading the nation into Marxist ideals.

President Obama has lead the country toward "spreading the wealth around". The lights of the shining city on a hill are growing dimmer on President Obama's watch.


Dear President Obama

President Obama is a despot

Mr. President…add this to the Romney remarks of Wednesday October 4, 2012. You cannot disprove the charges in this video in the next debate…you are a despot.

Mr. Axelrod…we don’t want to hear excuses.

I Do Not Want to Live to See the Demise of the US



The victory gives Chavez another six-year term to cement his legacy and press more forcefully for a transition to socialism in the country with the world's largest proven oil reserves.




Evil Obama | Teleprompter Dependent

No Teleprompter…True ability to speak…on display.

Obama convinced a bunch of people that he was something that he wasn’t. Maybe my observations explain how he did it.

The teleprompter allowed other’s brains to be expressed through his mouth. In many cases Axelrod’s words come out of Obama’s mouth. Soros has a big influence on Obama’s mouth. The SEIU influences Obama’s mouth…and does other things…like pay people to attend his campaign speeches…and bus them to the speeches.

Then there is creating false impressions. The change in venue of the Democratic National Convention…gave the impression of huge crowds. The pictures of the audience at the Ohio State University campaign speech didn’t give the impression that most of the upper sections were empty.

We have some pictures of those attending Mitt Romney’s campaign speech in Bedford, Ohio.

Tearing down the US

Some have free Obamaphones.

Tearing down the US

There is very little dissent. Mitt Romney fired back at Obama. Jan Brewer pointed her finger in his face…but outside that…Obama says whatever he pleases. The truth doesn’t matter.

Mitt Romney tells Obama what Romney thinks…look at that ear on our right!

Sometimes Obama’s brain overrides the teleprompter. For example:

  • He told Joe the plumber that he wants to spread the wealth around.
  • He told Occupy Wall Streeters that they are the reason he ran for office.
  • He said in a campaign speech in Roanoke, Virginia, “You didn’t build that”

All three examples show a brain tainted by communism.

If you like Obama’s ideas…vote for him…there may be unintended consequences.