
Obama says that he wants to help the middle class

Denny hours cut

Here’s some consequences of the Obama administration. Denny franchise owner…Employee hours will be cut…A 5% surcharge will be added to customer bills. Read more

Applebee's, Papa John’s & Darden Restaurants threaten staff cuts under Obamacare  Read more


Voter Fraud

NAACP Executive Sentence to 10 Years in Prison for Voting for Obama 10 Times in 2008  Read Article

Voter fraud ten years


Voter Fraud: Obama Won 108% of Registered Voters in Ohio County
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I just read a post by Thor Hammerhead about 1000 ballots were found in a warehouse in Broward county…Florida. Read more

Lisa Schneider Asked about where the “programmer video” took place…

Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines.

Read more: http://clashdaily.com/2012/11/wake-your-butt-up-alert-programmer-testifies-about-rigging-elections-via-vote-counting-machines/#ixzz2CCXQZxal

Alan West has problems with vote irregularities, and there is supposed to be a meeting in St Lucie county…Florida…today.


Marxists are Good at Fiscal Cliff Creation

gene tew

By Gene Tew with permission


We have to redistribute the wealth of this country through taxation.

This will probably cause unemployment, economic decline, and hunger…but I the Kenyan know what is best for we the people. Kenyans have a long standing record of destruction through Marxism. Marxism has proved to be a near Utopia in Greece, Cuba, and other places. China is prosperous…even though a lot of brutality takes place…Marxism is good. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan really didn’t improve their countries. Reagan would have been wiser to allow the Soviet Union to prosper, to keep the Berlin wall, and keep the Utopia that Lenin and Stalin created. Thatcher shouldn’t have tried to help the private sector. Putting the private sector under government control is my way…and it’s my way or the highway. The public sector is the cure all, for any nation’s ills. Michelle and I know this, and look at Michelle. She wastes the people’s money better than anyone in history…and she’s having a ball. She even tells the people how to eat. Now, that is wonderful…she is truly selfish. I’m selfish too.

My czars, the EPA, and my secret, closed administration have created tons of regulations, and the regulations are pouring out. That ought to stifle the economy, and show we the people…just who is running the show.

Christmas is coming. I don’t like that word. I prefer Ramadan…I’m familiar with it since childhood. I’ll try to give away as much as I possibly can, but the Chinese and the national debt may put a crimp in my style. Since I’m half black, I feel a sense of duty to help the Obamaphone lady. After all people like her will vote for me, because I’m able to provide freebies.

I have been a huge success. Chicago is a much better place as a result of my work there. Of course there’s a lot of shooting going on, but community organizing should help them find the Utopia that they can be. Then there is my Senate record…I was a huge success. Killing babies that survive abortions, was a major achievement. I love Planned Parenthood…they kill babies one way or another. ACORN was another product of my outstanding work in Chicago. Its unfortunate that we the people didn’t go along with their illegal activities. Thoughts about Reverend Wright…still make me sad. I really had to throw him under the bus to prevent political threats.

I’m so happy that I won the election. It proves that a president can play golf, campaign, and let others run the country. I’m especially indebted to David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett for not representing the people…and toeing the Marxist line. They didn’t handle Benghazi too well, but I’ll wiggle out of it.


The 'Obamaphone Lady'

Obamaphone lady behavior


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The standout in the category is "Obama money": Back in October 2009, big lines formed formed for Detroit housing assistance applications after the city underestimated how many people would show up to apply. The scene was chaotic, and local TV reported there were rumors that $3,000 checks would be handed out.

The meme on rightwing blogs became that it was an angry mob in search of "Obama money." A Detroit radio station interviewed people in line for "Obama money." One woman says, "I don't know where he got it from but he's giving it to us. ... O-BA-MA O-BA-MA!"

Obama got away with promoting Marxism then, and he will probably continue to get away with it for four more years. We capitalist, conservative, Christians, and constitutionalists…are outnumbered. The country certainly will not be better off four years from now…government wise, and life, liberty, and property wise.

Vets restore controversial memorial cross

ObamaSanta from rich


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Why did I post ObamaSanta? I posted it because I can’t imagine a veteran like Henry Sandoz…acting like ObamaSanta. I have the highest respect for Henry Sandoz and his wife. The government would have trumped Henry Sandoz, if they got their way. Henry Sandoz won…for himself…for his wife…for veterans…for freedom and liberty…in spite of government and ObamaSanta. Henry Sandoz is an honorable veteran. He is an example to be followed.