
Whoopi | Communism


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whoopi communism great

Unions Destroy Capitalism | Socialists Destroy Nations

Built by Capitalist

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Chou Chou provided the link to this article.

“Hostess Brands is unprofitable under its current cost structure, much of which is determined by union wages and pension costs. The offer to the [bakers’ union] included wage, benefit and work rule concessions but also gave Hostess Brands’ 12 unions a 25 percent ownership stake in the company, representation on its Board of Directors and $100 million in reorganized Hostess Brands’ debt.”

“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” said Rayburn, a turn around expert brought in this year to guide the company through bankruptcy. ”Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders.”

Unions find satisfaction in destruction.

Socialists…including Obama…find satisfaction in destruction. Obama is pleased and proud of the takeover of the auto companies, and has said that he would like to nationalize more industries.  Google search

He has a petition on the White House Blog web site to nationalize the Twinkie industry. See More

Democrats as a group are Socialists.  Republicans… as a group… are Capitalists. Conservatives are Capitalists.


Buyers prepare bids for Hostess assets

buyers bid for Hostess

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Built by Capitalist | Killed by Socialist

Rob Ballew shared West Virginia Republican Party's photo.

Built by Capitalist

Obama the Socialist, Communist, Marxist…might try to nationalize the Twinkie industry.

I hope a capitalist company buys it…and beats Obama to the draw.

Marxist Petition | White House Blog

Petition Nationalize Twinkie

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There is a petition on a White House web site…to nationalize the Twinkie Industry. The petition is a Communist idea. 1704 people signed the petition on November 16. 1704 signers… times 30 days equals 51,120…extrapolated.

Communism has not been successful in the United States prior to 2009. It looks like the Communists have their foot in the door. Communism has a dismal track record. Obama has a dismal track record. Even the state of Illinois was not a pushover for Obama in the 2012 election.  California has a dismal track record…however the citizens of California continue to vote for the people who lead them into their current state of affairs.

I was shocked to learn that Obama is not an overwhelming favorite in Illinois. Obama won only 23 out of 102 Illinois counties.

Hord is in Clay County, which cast 71 percent of its votes for Mitt Romney last week. Even though Illinois is home of the president, Obama won only 23 of our 102 counties -- 23 percent, one of the lowest proportions of any blue state. As the Southern Illinoisan noted, "President Barack Obama may have won re-election Tuesday night, but it wasn’t thanks to Southern Illinois. Of the 15 counties The Southern Illinoisan collected vote totals for, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won 13.”

But it’s the cluster of counties in southeastern Illinois, surrounding Effingham, that really disdain Obama. They’ve never voted for Obama for anything.

Source: http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/Obama-More-Popular-in-Egypt-Than-Little-Egypt-179347321.html#ixzz2CVfRbTNj