
Pelosi Delay of Impeachment Trial

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Honorable Dishonorable

Honorable Desirable
Jeff Van Drew is one example.
He is an entrepreneur, who is honorable and desirable.
He is an asset to society.
The US constitution is the law, which determines how impeachment occurs.
The US Senate will decide whether Donald J. Trump will be removed. Nancy Pelosi will not influence the US Senate.
Dishonorable and undesirable
A huge group of US citizens are dishonorable.
They agree with this, "from each according to his means, to each according to his needs"
Vladimir Lenin; leader of the Russian revolution, is one example of this type.
Socialism/Communism is undesirable.



Democrat Bad Behavior Growth

We have witnessed the bad Democrat behavior again in the impeachment hearings.
Seventeen to twenty three votes.
Herd voting in the face of defeat in the Senate.
They are digging their own grave, which is good.