
Capitalist,Conservative,Believer,Constitutionalist - Dedicated to Excellence of the Individual

 The Democrat Party is anti capitalist.

The Democratic Convention does not explicitly explain this, and I think they attempt to hide it.

Donna Brazil is anti capitalist. She talks about a large number of things, but she  doesn't say, "I'm anti capitalism".

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez A search reveals her thinking.  https://www.google.com/search?q=AOC+I%27m+anti+capitalist&oq=AOC+I%27m+anti+capitalist&aqs=chrome..69i57.37346j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Democrats like government health care. Obamacare was government health care. Democrats do not like Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is a capitalist company. Democrats are anti capitalist.

Colin Powell does not say, "I'm anti capitalism". He says a lot of things, but they do not reveal his anti capitalism, or the anti capitalism of every member of the Democrat Party. Some Democrats may not be anti capitalist, but it may be due to ignorance of the Democrat Party beliefs. Some Democrats may be anti capitalist, but they want to deceive everyone possible. 

Joe Biden is anti capitalist. If he is elected, anti capitalism will take place. Health care insurance will not be sold by privately owned companies. The Democrat Party will create government health care. Bidencare will be a possibility.

Immigration will change, if Joe Biden is elected. Biden will allow illegal immigration.

Joe Biden almost defiantly stated: "Your taxes will go up". https://news.grabien.com/story-joe-biden-if-you-elect-me-your-taxes-are-going-be-raised-not 

Joe Biden is described as a Catholic. Catholics do not back abortion. Joe Biden and the Democrat party do back abortion. Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing babies that were aborted.

A predator is recognizable. "Hope and CHANGE"  Change from capitalism to socialism/communism?

Obama Gene Tew

I pledge allegiance to the flag 

Remarks at the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009: "I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage — they like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor. They trust you. And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy mislead the people, and there were consequences.

"We have to pass the bill, so that you can find out what is in it"

This is in the public domain


Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook's Fact Check Board

Walter Armour Attention: A closer look, however, reveals that 18 of its 20 members collaborated with or are tied to...

Posted by Wolfie Wolf on Friday, August 7, 2020


I've Been Blessed

I'm ninety years old. Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix died when they were 27 years old. Mama Cass Elliott died when she was 31. Hank Williams died when he was 29.
I don't smoke, don't drink, and the only drugs I use, are to treat my glaucoma. I have lost the sight in one eye, and could lose the sight in the other eye, if I don't treat it.
One of the gifts God has given me is my wife. Mary Ruth. She puts the drops in my eyes, and waits on me hand and foot.
Sweet memories                            
I did it my way.

Carmilita Zotomayor-Riveral calls me her best friend forever and soul mate. Carmilita and I have known each other for at least seven years; maybe more.   
When you walk through a storm
A cat and I have become close. She spends a lot of time in my bedroom. We moved to Phoenix in November 2019. At that time, Roxy, the cat, was sleeping in a cooking pot in the kitchen cabinet part of the time. Since then, she has started spending most of the time in my bedroom. This is my first experience, like that, with a cat.
I have been blessed with two wonderful children. (A third child died of cancer at 63 years old) Our son cooks, picks up essentials, and maintains our house. He provides transportation. Our daughter stays in contact with us, and sends many gifts. She and our granddaughter visited us last January. Our granddaughter brought her son Henry; 18 months old, then.
We live in a four bedroom/2 bath house with an inground swimming pool.
Papago Park            More                   Images
It's nice to have a park area behind our house.
We are in good financial condition for the rest of our lives.