Marlee was born December 6, 1987. Marlee is a registered nurse. She has a four year old boy named Henry. Henry requires care. He has leukemia. The leukemia is under control, and Henry should survive, but it will take years of treatment. Marlee has been to Japan. She went to a Westinghouse event there with her husband Ethan. She was there a week or more. She also went on vacation in the Maldives in the Indian ocean. The Maldives are a chain of islands in the Indian ocean. Ethan has a masters degree in mechanical engineering. His work is in connection with neuclear projects at Westinghouse.
Henry was born July 14, 2018. Here's a picture on July 15, 2018.
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Marlee, Ethan, and Henry
Vicki Callender
Vicki was born in Defiance, Ohio. The family moved to Oak Cliff,TX, a suburb of Dallas, in 1963. The family moved to Curtisville,PA in 1973. Vicki was 16 years old in 1976. In 1977, Vicki had a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro. She went to work in Bessemer Store, a company-owned, coal miner grocery store. The coal mine was the Russelton mine in Russelton, Pa. The mine was inactive, but the store was still there and customers were able to charge the purchases and pay monthly. She worked there for two years. She moved up the ladder to be a produce manager at a different store. By age 20, Vicki was employed as a cosmetologist.. At age 25, Vicki attended Robert Morris University and earned a Bachelor degree in Management Information and a minor in Business Mathematics. (She paid for her college tuition by age 30, with help from her parents and husband, Dan.) Vicki installed the computer system for the Parts Division of Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, PA. The system was used in Barbados, Round Rock, Texas, and Pittsburgh.
House Without a Speaker
Oath of office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
The US House has been shut down.
What has Biden, Schumer, or Roberts, done in this regard?
George Broos
George Broos lived at a neighbor's house. He was about 19 years old.
I had a motorcycle. It was formerly a military motorcycle.
George took the motorcycle. He didn't ask. I didn't mind, but I got a big shock.
An Ohio State Patrolman woke me up, and told me that George got killed. He was crossing a railroad track, which was elevated. A car from the opposite direction hit him head on. The motorcycle was beyond repair.
Child fascination
I was fascinated by stories about Lassie. Lassie was a collie dog. Eric Knight wrote a book, Lassie Come Home, (1943)
I bought a malamute dog, when I was a truck driver. A malamute is a sled dog, which pulls a sled. I took him home, and Andy was going to show the dog that he, Andy, was boss. It didn't work. The dog never did submit to his desires. This was one of a very few times, that Andy didn't get his way.
Do you have any vivid memories of your grandparents?
My mother's mother, Nerva Layne, was living with my mother. My mother had a job and went to work daily.
My grandmother had asthma. My grandmother died of an asthma attack while she was at home alone.
Asthma has reduced or total airflow stoppage in the lungs.
I witnessed other asthma attacks, which my grandmother had. It was horrible to hear and see her attacks. I can imagine the sounds and sights, when she died.
My great grandmother, Katherine Kaestner, fainted at a church harp performance. She'd get carried away, and pass out.
She quit her normal routine, quit eating and drinking, and went to bed. In about two weeks, she died.
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