
The Rockstar | Carmilita Zotomayor-Riveral


The Rockstar | Carmilita Zotomayor-Riveral

Carmilita Zotomayor-Riveral is a Social Media Rockstar

Both she and her family are outstanding.

Many have been treated to her kindness .
She was born and raised in the Philippines.

Carmilita video
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The Senate Agrees | Fiscal Cliff Plan

The Senate has agreed on a deal to resolve the fiscal cliff

12:00 PM Wednesday October 16, 2013

The Senate is discussing this at 12:45 PM On C-Span

The Budget Control Act will remain… according to the plan.

The deal was the work of a bipartisan group.

The House must pass this legislation.

Obama says that he will sign it.


Harry Reid cancer child


“They use the word ‘‘extreme’’ for

anybody who wants to reduce spending

and try to attack people who want to

reduce spending.” Senator Sessions State of Alabama

Harry Reid used the word “extremists” yesterday. Here are the results of a Google search.

"Extremist Republicans in the House of Representatives are attempting to torpedo the Senate's bipartisan progress with a bill that can't pass the Senate ... and won't pass the Senate," Reid said.

We have a dishonorable president, and a conniving leader of the Senate.

Definition of “extreme”:




adjective: extreme

  1. 1.

    reaching a high or the highest degree; very great.

    "extreme cold"

    utmost, very great, greatest, greatest possible, maximum, maximal, highest, supreme, great, acute, enormous, severe, high, exceptional, extraordinary More

    "extreme danger"


  2. 2.

    furthest from the center or a given point; outermost.

    "the extreme northwest of Scotland"

    furthest, farthest, furthermost, far, very, utmost; More


    "the extreme north"



noun: extreme; plural noun: extremes

  1. 1.

    either of two abstract things that are as different from each other as possible.

    "unbridled talk at one extreme and total silence at the other"

    opposite, antithesis, side of the coin, (opposite) pole, antipode More

    "the two extremes"

    • the highest or most extreme degree of something.

      "extremes of temperature"

      limit, extremity, highest/greatest degree, maximum, height, top, zenith, peak, ne plus ultra More

      "this attitude is taken to its extreme in the following quote"

    • a very severe or serious act.

      "he was unwilling to go to the extreme of civil war"

  2. 2.


    the subject or predicate in a proposition, or the major or minor term in a syllogism (as contrasted with the middle term).


Harry Reid and president Obama are risking the extreme… of a dangerous, hazardous, risky, high-risk, default.




Originally posted on Facebook by Chou Chou Cabbage
Obama has gone from “The Messiah” to “Dishonorable”. Where? Chicago Source 
The opposition to Obama now includes, veterans, The Tea Party, truck drivers, Republicans, some Independents, medical doctors, hospital personnel, The House of Representatives, insurance companies, believers, and others.
Will Obama dishonor America by participating in a default? We’ll soon see.


The Fiscal Cliff | Spending

The Fiscal Cliff | Spending

Sunday October 13, 2013 | Congressional Record Excerpts



The Budget Control Act allowed substantial

growth in spending. Instead of

growing $10 trillion over the next 10

years, we would have reduced the

growth of the budget to $8 trillion. It is

not really a cut over the 10-year period.

The President submitted a budget in

February of 2012, 6 months later, that

would spend $1 trillion over those cuts.

The Democratic budget that just

passed this year—the first time in 4

years—would have increased spending

by $1 trillion over those cuts. I am a

little bit uneasy because I think there

is an effort, and there will be an effort,

which is unacceptable, to deal with

those cuts—or to break the caps that

limit the growth of spending, which is

the right way to say it. Of course, there

are some cuts we need to make.


President Obama took office and rammed

through, with unanimous Democratic

support, a stimulus bill that added $1

trillion to the debt of the United

States—the biggest single spending bill

ever, and every penny of that borrowed

because we didn’t have any money. We

were already in debt. So we borrowed

$1 trillion to spend.

So for 5 consecutive years we will

have averaged over $1 trillion in deficits

per year. We have never been over

$500 billion a year before that, and $1

trillion is $1,000 billion. So President

Obama’s average in 5 years is unprecedented.

It is stunning. We have never,

ever seen such a debt accumulation in

such a rapid period of time. I think we

need to understand that. Our colleagues

continue to defend it and still

want to spend more, and their budget

would spend $1 trillion more that they

voted on and passed in this Congress.

They use the word ‘‘extreme’’ for

anybody who wants to reduce spending

and try to attack people who want to

reduce spending.

By what definition can we call what

we have been seeing for the last 5 years

a success? It is just not. That is the

problem. We have taxed more, we have

spent more, we have regulated more,

we have borrowed more, we have stimulated

more, and it hasn’t produced

solid growth. We have had the slowest

recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

So this is the plan. Reduce wages

that results in an increase in unemployment,

more part-time jobs, more

regulations, and higher energy costs.

And we make that up how? Well, the

government will just borrow money

and subsidize people in need.

Senator Sessions State of Alabama


Million Veteran March Defeat Riot Police At White House Protest

Million Veteran March Defeat Riot Police At White House Protest
Riot police appeared at White House protest...backed off
The protesters shouted: "You work for us"