
Democrats and Only Democrats Gave You Obamacare

democrats obamacare

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The US Supreme Court will probably rule on Obamacare subsidies in 2015

The Obama administration has requested a review by the whole D.C. Circuit Court.

The Fourth Circuit Court decision has been appealed directly to the US Supreme Court.

The same day that the D.C. Circuit panel issued its ruling, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, based in Richmond, Virginia, arrived at the opposite conclusion in a similar case, King v. Burwell, and upheld the federal subsidies as legal.

The disagreement practically begs the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in. The plaintiffs in King v. Burwell have petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court for cert. If granted, the case will go to the high court. It’s unlikely that the high court will hand down a decision until spring or fall 2015.

Democrat Obamacare

Doctors have quit, or are planning on quitting.

Discussion of doctors starts at 16:24


Democrats | Ronald Reagan

democrats corporations leave

Democrats made this.

They had to undo Ronald Reagan.

Democrats | Decline

democrats decline

democrat isus


Democrat open borders

All my images are free to use

Our country has declined.

ISIS is a threat to our national security.

Our country needs secure borders.


Fox News Sunday Transcript | August 10, 2014

Is President Obama doing too little or too much in Iraq?

chris wallace foxnewssunday

My thoughts:

Barry Soetoro’s release of five Taliban terrorists wasn’t mentioned.

Barry Soetoro wants to release the terrorists in Guantanamo.

Barry Soetoro’s actions have made it more likely that terrorists can cross the borders of the United States.

Five Taliban Freed | Close Guantanamo | Bomb ISIS

Obama released five taliban


Obama close guantanamo


Obama pelosi bomb ISIS

Why would Barry Soetoro release five terrorists, want to release more terrorists from Guantanamo, and bomb ISIS terrorists?