
Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It| Pass It Now! II

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Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It| Pass It Now!…I   previous article

Link to 100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania –September 28 –

As we detail in this third report in a series, some projects accomplish such questionable goals as putting
in new windows at a vacant government building, replacing a new sidewalk with an even newer one, or
money for a park that is only accessible by boat or plane. Link to 100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues

I have noted the following:

To condone a $308 million; 9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA), is irresponsible, especially when taken together with the rest of the wasteful spending. $308 million is not chump change, no matter how devoted and loyal a person is to a group of socialist Democrats. This bill denigrates the professional management skills prominent in a capitalistic society. It shows a blatant lack of discipline in running a country. It makes a mockery of the Chinese and other investors, who hope they have a risk free investment in United States securities.. This is just for starters, before I do some research. I promise to come up with more negative adjectives to describe the defensive behavior, which spins the wasteful spending as just a minor, acceptable, behavior.

None of the participants in the stimulus have been punished, except the socialist Democrats in the House, who were removed in November of 2010. The legislators and President Obama should be punished. Their actions should bring consequences, but it possibly won’t. Another possibility would be to amend the constitution, so that whatever it takes; bad behavior is not rewarded, and is in fact punished. I’ll leave specific amendment ideas to the lawyers.


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