
True Americans

Thatcher others money
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – June 24, 2012 –
True Americans believe…”The Problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money.”
True Americans also believe that printing too much money will harm the people.
Greece is trying to live on other people’s money. Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Italy are also trying to do the same.
Mrs. Margaret Thatcher
Jobs really come in the productive sector of the economy. The real jobs are where people are producing goods or services which other people will buy. Now, dependent on those people producing those goods, are a lot of others in the public sector. Now if you run up the public sector, you can only do it by draining money out of industry and commerce. But that's where the jobs are. And one of the reasons why you have to cut public expenditure is to get the money back—one of the reasons why you have to cut public expenditure is to get money back out of the public sector, into industry and commerce, so that they, in fact, can invest, and improve, and expand; because that's where the secure jobs are. It's very complicated.
True Americans have a choice: Socialism or Capitalism

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