Attribution: Gene Tew
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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – December 15 –
I received derogatory comments, when I first published this image by Gene Tew. President Obama’s request for detention of citizens without a trial gives the image validity.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) on Senate floor explaining it was Obama who requested the provision for indefinite military detention of American citizens without charge or trial.
President Obama signed the bill on Friday.
What are the possible acts of President Obama in the future? He has demonstrated that he espouses tyranny instead of freedom.
I read a little about Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and his book: The Gulag Archipelago.
The Soviet Union had widespread labor camps. Atrocities occurred in those camps.
Communism is portrayed as a Utopia. The labor camps are a fixture of Communism, China has them, North Korea has them. Body parts are acquired from inmates of labor camps in China. These are some of the realities of Utopia.
Is President Obama capable of trying to implement Communism in the United States? Think about it; long and hard.
If you like Communism, reconsider.