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President to be Sued
President to be Sued
I’m interested in the reaction to the lawsuit, which will be filed against Barry Soetoro.
The Messiah is being sued.
The president, elected the second time, will be sued.
The US House of Representatives voted 215-201 to sue Barry Soetoro. Six people; No Vote
The US House of Representatives | H.Res.676 | Voted 225-201 to Sue President Obama
The US House of Representatives | H.Res.676 | Voted 225-201 to Sue President Obama
Democrats argued that the lawsuit is a stunt, that more important issues should have been considered, that the lawsuit was a step toward impeaching the president, that money was going to be wasted, and that judges should not make decisions in disputes between the legislature and the executive branches. Democrats will find out. Violation of the constitution is a serious matter. A lawsuit will be filed.
Some Democrats said that the US House of Representatives lacked standing in a lawsuit against the president. They don’t know. The US House of Representatives may or may not have standing. The courts will decide.
The US Supreme Court is in recess until October, and will accept or reject cases then.
Democrats and Marxists | Fruits of Labor/Property
Democrats and Marxists take away fruits of labor/property. Democrats are using subsidies, to Obamacare purchasers, to take away fruits of labor.
Slaves did not get the fruits of their labor. Democrats were against giving slaves the fruits of their labor. Republicans assisted in getting the fruits of their labor for slaves.
The IRS is taking away fruits of labor. They are taking fruits of labor by giving subsidies to purchasers of Obamacare. A person who earns $15,860 is eligible for a subsidy of $4,480. Huff Post Business
Property | IRS
Property | IRS
The US Supreme Court will probably decide whether the IRS illegally decided to take money from citizens for Obamacare subsidies . The IRS acted like the US Supreme court, without authority.
Obamacare is a Marxist law…from each according to his means, to each according to his needs.
The rich are not the only group, who suffer from property redistribution.
Sandra Fluke wants to have orgasms, and she doesn’t want to get pregnant. She also doesn’t want to pay anything to avoid getting pregnant. So, she wants me to pay for her contraceptives, and I am not rich.
Hobby Lobby has religious beliefs, which include: We don’t believe in paying for drugs, which prevent conception.
Barry Soetoro would like to increase the numbers of Marxists in the United States. So, he would like all of us to pay for health care, education, and welfare of illegal immigrants. He wooud like to make them voting citizens. He’s betting that the illegals will be Marxists.
The US Supreme Court has rejected several of Barry Soetoro’s actions. There may be more rejections. So, the Supreme Court could protect property.
There could be Article V amendments to the Constitution.
The lawsuit by Congress against Eric Holder is still in process in the courts.
Barry Soetoro could be sued by Congress.
The redistribution of property is advancing. We have a duty to protect property.
Fox News Sunday | Transcript: July 27, 2014
Fox News Sunday | Transcript: July 27, 2014
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: What's really going on is Republicans in congress are directly blocking policies that would help millions of Americans.
One of Obama’s plans…what is really going on:
But Medicare Advantage is not out of the woods yet. Obamacare is set to slash hundreds of billions from the program over the next 10 years.
That’s a mistake. Medicare Advantage delivers better care at lower cost than does conventional Medicare. The program should be expanded — not cut, as the president and his allies advocate.
OBAMA: It is my hope that Speaker Boehner and House Republicans will not leave town for the month of August for their vacations without doing something to help solve this problem.
SCALISE: We ought to have a platform to plan to save Medicare from bankruptcy. Under current law, Medicare goes bust. I don't think that's responsible. We have laid out a plan to save it from bankruptcy not only for current seniors but for future generations. I'd like to see the president and the Senate put some plan on the table other than letting it go bust, which is it will do right now.
Currently taxes for Medicare are collected on $117,000. Citizens and their employers pay approximately $17, 901 a year. Obama and his allies have been taking part of our money.
I paid into Social Security for over 50 years. Some years, I and my employers paid $7,500. Other years, the amount was less, and the amount was more in some years. $375,000 is a reasonable estimate of what was paid in. Now, Obama and his allies are going to take part of my money.