
True Story About a $1 Poinsettia



My Son, Who Lives In The Same House As We Do, Bought This Poinsettia In December 2009
12-12-2010 (1)
Here Is A Picture Of The Same Plant In December 2010

The plant kept the original leaves until October of 2010. Then the old leaves began to deteriorate and fall off. At about the same time, new green leaves started to turn red.
We did nothing about the plant’s exposure to light. We did not try to make it bloom. It bloomed unassisted.
All the old leaves are gone, and all the red leaves in the most recent picture are new leaves.
This is a brand new experience for me. It’s the first time in my life that I have ever watched new blooms appear on a poinsettia. I get attached to plants as I watch them.
The red in the leaves is so vivid, and so beautiful.
We have five other “perfect” poinsettias in our house, but this one is my favorite. It is also my wife’s favorite, and she too considers it as a gift from God.
I think of Ronald Reagan, who would marvel at God’s gifts, when he was viewing nature on his ranch in California, while riding horseback. This plant was truly God’s gift to me and our family at this Christmas.
I’m writing this so that you too can share in God’s gift.


Wolfman World View: “IT DOESN’T MATTER”

Google Images Labeled for Reuse
World Threat

Why the title “IT DOESN’T MATTER”? Things do matter, and the attitude that “it doesn’t matter” is destructive to society. This is true in the United States, and it is true in the world. It was destructive in the 1930’s and probably before that.
The idea of a super race was promoted. The mentally ill and the retarded disappeared, but it didn’t matter. Youth groups were formed, and people were killed because they were Jews, but it didn’t matter.
World Wide
Machiavelli had the idea that the end justifies the means. If you want to rob the rich, and give to the poor. That’s good. It doesn’t matter that it is illegal.
Tiananmen Square was a defiance of the government. Thousands were killed by the government. That doesn’t matter?
Presently Kim Jong Il is threatening the world. He has been backed by the Chinese so far. Both he and Iran are a nuclear threat. That doesn’t matter?
United States
Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period." A comment was made; “it doesn’t matter” that this has not happened.
It did matter to my brother’s wife and to many people who lost their Medicare Healthcare Advantage Plans.
My brother’s wife was denigrated even though she had no direct involvement in the article being discussed. “It doesn’t matter” was put into writing and published.
“I'm glad she lost her Medicare Advantage because it was a wasteful and inefficient use of precious health care expenditures.”  a Newsvine writer.
What happened to: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you?”
I thank Newsvine for the privilege of being able to publish these thoughts.
I’m thankful for the Internet, where these thoughts can be published in multiple places. This article will appear on Facebook, Twitter, Gretawire, Linkedin, Digg, my spaces web site, and my blogspot web site. I communicate with people all over the world, who read my articles. There are many, many search results picked up by robots of search engines.
I have had 6,000 page views on my Newsvine column in a month. Many other people view my articles on the sites mentioned above.
I’m thankful for Microsoft Word, Windows Live Writer, and the ability to publish.




There was a Catholic bishop on Fox News this morning. He discussed the success of parochial schools.
Something like 90% of parochial students graduate from high school, and a high percentage of the students go on to college.
Why? He said it’s because these schools, unlike public schools, are accountable. If they do not produce, the students will not come.
Maybe someone greater than us is in charge.
Just before the bishop came on; Sarah Palin was on.
One of her points was; why do we have to be ashamed of the “manger scene”?
My point is; it is becoming more apparent in the United States that someone greater than us is in charge.
Tomorrow I will give thanks to God for his blessings.
Then I think about the world scene. It would seem to me that the God that I know is being usurped. Usurped by people who hate anyone who does not agree with their feigned religion. People who single out Jews as targets for their hatred. People who have demonstrated leaders gleefully participating in beheading. This is just a small sample of world actions.
Perhaps the feigned religion is not a religion at all. Perhaps it is a political movement.
I will give thanks tomorrow for only a limited exposure to what I call a feigned religion.
God is resurging in the United States, I pray that He will resurge world wide.



Public Domain

I just bought a computer , and I love it. They say they quit shipping software discs, but I have the discs on the way. This computer has a 4 core processor among other things.Free shipping!


In Biblical times Christ chased the money changers out of the temple.

Matthew 21:12-13 (King James Version)

12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

FDR took the paper currency off the gold standard. The money could be redeemed for gold, but FDR made paper money just a piece of paper. For a while silver certificates could be redeemed for silver, but that was stopped.

I read about FDR setting gold prices. When he was asked about an increase in the price of gold, he quipped that he had “pulled the increase out of the air.”

The Federal Reserve

Now, we have Bernanke printing $600 billion. The paper currency is backed by nothing. How did he determine how much money to print? I submit that he could have “pulled it out of the air”.

Inflation is a current problem in China. Their investment in US securities is being reduced in value. The $600 billion printed by The Federal Reserve exacerbates China’s problems.

Chinese consumers are victims of inflation. I saw a picture of Chinese citizens buying poultry in a frantic attempt to avoid inflation. Some Chinese citizens may starve due to inflation.

Many other countries in the world have the same problem.
All citizens of the United States are suffering from inflated prices, reduction in sizes of consumer products, and more inflation is on the horizon.



Fix Next One
Khalid Shaikh Mohammed after capture 
 [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons 

Obama announced that he was going to close the terrorist detention facility in Guantanamo Bay by January 1, 2010.
It has not happened.
A proposal was made to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City.
It has not happened, and probably will not happen.
Holder made statements to the effect that civilian courts would find terrorists guilty.
There has been a civilian trial of a terrorist. He was nearly acquitted and set free.
Civilian Trial Fail: 280 Charges Against Gitmo Terrorist Thrown Out
Juror asks to be removed from ‘civilian trial’ of GITMO MUSLIM TERRORIST because of threats
Civilian courts did not find Ahmed Ghailani guilty of most charges in federal court in Manhattan.
Anyone who supports Obama and Holder because they are African American in these mistakes has an unacceptable reason.
Anyone who supports these mistakes because they are a Democrat has an unacceptable reason.
Bad behavior should be penalized, not rewarded, regardless of the color of your skin or your political affiliation.
Ultimately, your actions will help or destroy the country you live in.
The terrorists are encouraged by this spectacle.
God Bless America
In God We Trust




If you write a blog, comment on columns on the Internet, or comment on articles or seeds, your writing appears in several places.
On Newsvine, your comments are available in total on the web site. It’s interesting to see comments of one person all in one place.
Robots from search engines obtain information, which appear as search results. For example, I write about QE2. The robots pickup the information, and a search result is available about QE2 by me.
I found at least one person, who was unaware of this.
If you make nasty comments, they leave what I call a paper trail on the Internet. It is a digital record trail technically.
Over time a profile is built of individuals. The profile can be dignified, respectful, and honorable, if you are aware of what I just told you
I suggest you do a Google search of your handle, or a topic you have written about or commented on.




Congress has recently thumbed their nose at We The People. The President has thumbed his nose at We The People. I would even say that the Supreme Court thumbed their nose at We The People in the Kelo case in New London, Connecticut.
I’ve heard the word small used in connection with elimination of earmarks. A change in earmark behavior may be small, but a change in attitude is large. The Senate Republicans oppose earmarks, the House opposes earmarks, and yes, even the President opposes earmarks. The next thing you know, we’ll hear that George Soros opposes earmarks.
I keep thinking about what the first astronaut said as he made his first step on the moon; "That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind." The one small step for earmarks; could lead to one giant leap to a changed attitude.
Lobbyists thrive on earmarks, and they will feel the “small step”. The Senators are feeling the “small step” by the House. The President has observed the “small step” in the recent elections. Even George Soros would be wise to consider the effect that the “small step” has taken upon his lavish spending to control current events, and profit at the expense of Joe Sixpack.
More: NBC News