
Wolfman World View: PUBLICITY, G20, CHINA

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I just read an article about QE2. Here’s an excerpt from that article.
    For US President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the attack from Germany (which follows critiques from Brazil, China and others) is another reminder that the US enjoys neither the respect nor the status in global finance that it had barely three years.

Define QE2
QE2 is a weasel term. It is quantitative easing. It is printing money. It is supposed to help the economy with “stimulus”. More money is supposed to be available to borrowers. That in turn is supposed to stimulate the economy. The recent huge stimulus appears to be a monumental failure.  I checked TV search results for China, Australia, Canada, Germany, and Britain. I would say many countries are neutral toward QE2, except China and Germany. The neutral countries are leery of QE2  China and Germany are against it. There are a host of search results as recent as the last several days. This indicates to me that there is a lot of publicity. This is from an Internet search:
Could QE2 Cause the Fed to Go Broke?
‎ Seeking Alpha - Ed Dolan - 2 days ago G20 Obama steels for tough G20 su(P) – 37 minutes ago-9 PM MST November 10, 2010 Obama will be at odds with China, Germany, and South Korea, at the least, according to predictions. It is now 10: 30 PM Friday November 11, 2010 in Asia. If you don’t know what is going on; you should. The eyes of the world are on the G20. China It goes without saying that Hu Jintao will try to protect China’s huge investment in United States securities. Just as I as an individual feel that my savings and assets are being confiscated by Democrats and unions; China feels the same way. The stock market crash a few years back took a big chunk of my property. I blame risky mortgages for that debacle. I blame Barney Frank and others as principle Democrat players in promotion of risky mortgages. Now, the Democrats and unions are in a position to cause the loss of my property that remains now. China has done nothing to deserve confiscation of their property. Coming up I’m thinking about reporting on the G20 tomorrow.



President George W. Bush and Laura Bush attend service at Cua Bac Church and address the press afterwards in Hanoi, Vietnam
White House photo by Eric Draper
The Way It Was is not The Way it is Now
This is going to be a series of articles
  • I will try to give a world view
  • It is going to be about money, which is property in many respects
  • It is going to be about the United States, land that I love, China, and more.
The publicity given to QE2; priceless!

I’ll have more to say later, but the publicity is priceless.
Define QE2
QE2 is a weasel term. It is quantitative easing. It is printing money. It is supposed to help the economy with “stimulus”. More money is supposed to be available to borrowers. That in turn is supposed to stimulate the economy. The recent huge stimulus appears to be a monumental failure. 
My sense is that the masses do not realize the danger of printing money. I don't think the middle class has a clue that they are being raped. The rape has already begun; the value of the dollar has fallen since January 2010. The commodity prices are currently going up, and food and other product prices are in process of being raised. The price increases are imminent, and will take place by Christmas 2010.
  • Soros, Democrats, Obama, and Bernanke like printing money. 
  • The masses learned the hard way, what Obama is.
  • They are about to get another lesson in how harmful to our country he can be.
  • The Democrats just got an attitude adjustment.
  • They are on tap to get another larger attitude adjustment.
  • They all seem to be happy campers while doing it.
Asian Tour
The Asian tour is being watched closely by the media. The media watching is the world media, which is not controlled by United States politics. The media coverage will not be a daily examination, it will go on for more than a week.
Obama, Democrats, China, the United States, will be in the spotlight. It will be on TV, Newspapers, on the Internet, and public discussions.
G 20
The Asian Tour is supposed to end with a meeting of the G-20. It should be interesting to follow.
I will elaborate on China, China's President Hu Jintao, their investment in the United States, Democrats, Obama, and more. 

I’ll have more to say later, but the publicity is priceless.




I have a blogspot web site. 
When I went to the blogspot web site, the web page came up briefly and then a blank initialize screen came up. Then a “message from webpage came up. 

The web site was effectively shut down. All you could get was a brief glance at the site and then the above pop-up was initialized.
Blogspot frowns on infected web sites, which is very understandable.
I went to Microsoft and Blogger for help. Microsoft basically told me to run Malware programs, which I did.
  • I ran AVG
  • I ran Spybot Search and Destroy
  • I ran Microsoft One Care
  • And I ran Malicious Software Removal Tool
They found minor threats, but not the one causing the pop-up.
I began to thinking the Malware was in the HTML on the blogspot web site.
I deleted all my articles, all comments, and all text everywhere. I tested anything else that remained, and found nothing.
I decided that the Malware was not in the blogspot web site.
I decided to check the blogspot website once more, and when I did an AVG alert came up. The AVG alert identified the URL of the Malware, which was different at every check. The one common piece of information pointed to Internet Explorer.exe and differing process numbers.
The odd thing is; AVG alerted the Malware when going to blogspot, but it didn’t find it in Internet Explorer. The information it provided at blogspot was invaluable and pointed to Internet Explorer.
I slept on the information and decided that instead of trying to do something to the Internet Explorer processes; I would just take Internet Explorer out . I downloaded Firefox, and removed Internet Explorer. I could have imported stuff from Internet Explorer to Firefox, but decided to steer clear of anything from Internet Explorer.
The pop-up quit coming up. The wicked witch was dead!
Here’s some information from Microsoft, which I received:
  • Sunday, November 07, 2010 9:01 PMclip_image001tech32 clip_image002clip_image002[1]clip_image002[2]clip_image002[3]clip_image002[4]
this is a common scam that says your computer is infected with malware
if you click anything it will infect you with rouge antivirus
to stop it press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to launch task manager. then go to the processes tab and end anything named iexplore.exe or firefox.exe.
this will force all internet browsers to close then open them up again and do not restore your browsing session
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I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone.




Gecko Foot On Glass

There is a gecko that eats bugs on my window screen almost every night. His name is Bugsy Siegal. Anthony named him after the Chicago gangster. He arrives at about 8:15 PM and leaves before 9:30 PM. He doesn’t like any movement near him. If there is movement, he leaves.
He sat stationary in one spot, while he was eating, for a month or so. Lately he has been moving and going after bugs nearby. I’d guess I became aware of him about 3 months ago.
My son had two geckos some years ago. They were what is called crested geckos. They look similar to miniature dinosaurs.
He kept them in a waterless glass aquarium with a lid on it. One of them got sick and died. The other one lived 3 or 4 years. He said they would bite, if they felt threatened. But, he said their bites didn’t hurt.
He fed them crickets; and baby food on occasion. He would feed them baby food on his finger, and they would lick the baby food off of his finger.
He bought them on the Internet. I saw one for sale for $90 on the Internet. They are shipped overnight and the shipping is $46.
The tail of a female gecko is shaped like an hour glass; the male’s tail isn’t.
  • Geckos make chirping sounds.
  • They can walk on the ceiling. They have thousands of tiny hairs on their foot pads, which makes it possible.
  • Females can reproduce without a male.
  • They can see in color in low light.
  • Some of them change colors.