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Obama is our first union label president.
Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind by Mallory Factor and Elizabeth Factor (Aug 21, 2012)
Buy: Shadowbosses
Dear Santa | I’ve Been Naughty
Theo Von Drussel’s original post:
Theo Von Druessel
Dec 24, 2012 - PublicA Christmas Story
Back in the bad old days of the 1950's, before the politically
correct @$$hats took over the country, it was December 23rd at P.S. 109 in St. Louis. In those bad old days, it was common to discuss <gasp> Christmas in the public school classroom. The Teacher asked young Patrick Murphy: "How does your family celebrate at Christmas time?" Patrick replied, "Well Ms. Jones, me and my twelve brothers and
sisters go to midnight mass and we sing hymns; then we come home very late and we put mince pies by the back door and hang up our stockings. Then all excited, we go to bed and wait for Father
Christmas to come with all our toys!" "Very nice Patrick," she said. "Angelo Calabrese, what about your
family?" "Well, Ms. Jones", says Angelo, "me and my sister also go to church with Mom and Dad and we sing Ave Maria , dance the Tarantella and when we get home we put almond cookies and Amaretto by the chimney and we hang up our stockings. We hardly sleep, waiting for Santa Claus to bring our presents.
Realizing there was a Jewish boy in the class, and not wanting to
leave him out of the discussion, she asked, "Now, Isaac Cohen, what do you and your family do at Christmas?" Isaac said, "Well, it's the same thing every year... Dad comes home from the office. We all pile into the Rolls Royce, then we drive to Dad's toy factory. Then we get inside, we look at all the empty shelves... and begin to sing: 'What A Friend We Have in Jesus.' Then we all go to the Bahamas."
Religious Freedom | Court Decision
Illinois Decides to Not Appeal; Pharmacists’ Court Victory Stands
Image on Beckett web page
An incompetent government…in violation of the US constitution…is being forced to follow the US constitution…promptly. Read more
December 19, 2012 Washington Examiner
Court: Obama must rewrite contraception mandate to accommodate religious liberty
Center for Law and Religion ForumConversations: Stanford’s Religious Liberty Clinic
Stanford Law School has founded the nation’s first law school clinic focused on religious liberty... More December 15, 2012 Christian Postthe government can't force pharmacists with religious objections to dispense emergency contraceptives... More December 14, 2012 The Oklahoman
Hobby Lobby, government ask for delay in case over health care law, contraception
Hobby Lobby and Mardel could be fined up to $1.3 million per day... More December 13, 2012 The Willits NewsSenior home Christmas tree ban touches nerve about religious diversity, tolerance
Political correctness runs amok... More12/21/2012
Gun Video
Delbert Warner originally shared this post:
Guns are tools.
Evil doers can use them to harm people.
For others, they can be used to face the evil doers on equal ground. Please watch this video for an example:
“The second amendment is about our rights…all of our rights… to protect ourselves from you guys up there”
Suzanna Gratia Hupp -
What the Second Amendment is REALLY for.
Run by Idiots
I looked up the Medicare premium this morning. According to the Medicare website: The 2013 premium is $104.90. Then I got a letter in the mail…it said that the Medicare premium was…$103.90. My wife said that they change the initial amount…every year.
How much does Part B cost?
Most people pay the Part B premium of $99.90 each month in 2012 ($104.90 in 2013).
You pay $140 per year for your Part B deductible in 2012 ($147 in 2013). Source (refresh to remove popup)
Bitter Old Men in Suits
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
The picture came from “Bomis” on Wikipedia. As the title says, the word stands for “Bitter old men in suits”.
The article is worth reading. Read Article
To be continued…
Victoria Hid Her Students | Lost Her Life
Victoria hid her students in cabinets and closets. The shooter came to the door, and she told him that her children were in the gym.
The shooter killed her and left.
America | Run by Idiots
Sheila Jackson Lee was visiting NASA in Houston. Sheila Jackson Lee, “Is it gonna go to where the astronauts planted the flag?” She was asking about the Mars rover. Source
Obama and Democrats | Slavery | Assault on Property
President Obama, an admirer of Kenya, advocates the transformation of the United States.
The Constitution has survived for centuries….but the tarnished Messiah…with decades of experience…has attempted to denigrate the constitution.
The constitution has protected life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Originally these words were: Life, Liberty, and Property…but they were changed.
Slavery was abolished under Abraham Lincoln. Slavery took away property.
President Obama and Democrats want to institute new rules for property. The new rules make property subject to government.
Barack Obama and Democrats have come up with a new form of slavery. The fruits of the labor of United States citizens have been… and are… under assault.
To be continued…
Suspended From Newsvine For 1 Week
Newsvine is out of business, so, links won't work
Code of Honor
Email notice:
Hello Wolf Wolfman,
Please know that your Newsvine account has been temporarily suspended l Dec 18 2012 10:53AM PST untifor violating the Newsvine Code of Honor (COH) # 4.
In the interest of clarity, the following post by you was determined by a Newsvine moderator to be in violation of the Newsvine COH:
In the future, please abide by the Newsvine COH so that your account is not again negatively affected.
Newsvine could have banned me. They suspended me instead.
MSNBC Is President Obama's Pravda Link works
But what they lack in journalistic credentials they make up for in far-left ideology — which makes them eminently valuable to this president, who governs through economic envy and agitation.
O'Donnell is such a hard-core Marxist, he doesn't like to even be perfumed as a "progressive." "I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to 'progressive.' Liberals amuse me. I am a socialist," O'Donnell flatly stated in 2010, adding that capitalism is "truly lethal cruelty." He further stressed: "I live to the extreme left of liberals."
The same can be said for his fellow travelers at MSNBC.
Music in the Car
I recorded 11 songs on a thumbdrive, or memory stick. I dragged the songs from Windows Media Player to the thumbdrive.
The car has a place to insert the thumbdrive, and has Uconnect 8.4. When I inserted the thumbdrive, the music started playing through the car speakers.
Each of the songs were about 1.5MB. Some of the other songs on the Windows Media Player are about 10MB. Audio File Formats
My YouTube Channel
There are four tabs at the top. Playlists Likes Feed Comment
Choose any one
On Playlists click “Play All”
Playlists will play automatically
Right to Work
GNU Free Documentation License
President Obama opposes the right to work law, which is in the process of being passed in Michigan. That’s about all he can do about it though…which is good. Even a Harvard education didn’t teach Obama the lesson of freedom of the individual. Obama is scheduled to make a speech in Detroit today.
Woodrow Wilson had the idea that the community should decide what is good for the community. The right to work is the right of an individual…to work. The individual is sovereign…not the community. Woodrow Wilson’s idea that the community is sovereign is being shot down in Michigan.
Scott Walker won … the unions in Wisconsin didn’t. The right to work won in Indiana recently…and now Michigan.
The unions and their political contributions are not working. They may have helped Obama to get elected, but half the states have passed right to work laws. The idea that teachers don’t have to pay union dues is very appealing. The idea that the community don’t rule the individual… is exactly what the United States was about prior to Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Barack Obama.
Dinesh D'Souza & Michael Shermer in debate at Oregon State University
Dinesh D’Souza is not a faker. His words of wisdom point out that Obama is a fake.
More videos…
Like Minded
Thank you Edward Cropper for the use of your picture.
This picture says a lot more than words can express. These two are really fond of each other. They are harmful to our country.
Obama | Loser in Chief
China is bidding on Obama’s failed green energy companies.
The amount of losses due to Obama’s spending in green energy companies is unreal.
“China bids today on yet another failed Obama energy loan recipient”
Read More At IBD:
The way Obama operates: Pass out huge sums to Democrat supporters by giving loans to green energy companies.
Obama: Tax Rate Increases are Necessary
capping deductions at $25,000 for upper-income households would raise almost as much money as ending the Bush-era tax breaks
After saying he had no objection to simplifying the tax code and eliminating some exemptions, deductions and credits, he said such an approach couldn't generate the kind of revenue that raising the top marginal rates can.
Oh sure, Obama said, it can be done on paper. But it can't be done on Capitol Hill.
“It can’t be done on Capitol Hill”…there is no doubt in my mind…and in credible people’s minds… that it could be done.
The Tea Party | The National Rifle Association
Checks and Balances
President Obama is a Marxist, and he fears guns and religion. He also fears…and is held in check…by the National Rifle Association and the Tea Party.
The Republican Party would not have been the opposition…that it is…without the Tea Party.
The National Rifle Association remains a force for good.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, the NRA spent $10 million.[18] In 2011, the organization refused an offer to discuss gun control with U.S. President Barack Obama. In response to the invitation, NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre said "Why should I or the N.R.A. go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to destroy the Second Amendment in the United States?" In his statement, LaPierre named Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder (both Democrats) as examples of the "people" he referred to.[19]
Imagine what the last two years would have been like without the influence of the Tea Party. The Tea Party boosted the clout of the Republican Party in the House. The Tea Party gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives. Control of the House of Representatives gave Republicans control of any Senate Legislation…that the Senate would try to get passed by the House. The control of the House of Representatives blocked President Obama’s Marxist ideas from getting into legislation. Control of the House of Representatives made it possible to vote Holder in contempt of Congress.
I wish the Tea Party well… in the 2014 elections.
The National Rifle Association will have the backs of Conservatives…in the 2014 elections.
Thou Shalt Not Steal | Part III
Continued from: Thou Shalt Not Steal | Part II
What any bond investor should really be concerned about is the ability of the issuing entity, whether a corporation or government, to pay the stated rate of interest and repay the principal when it matures.
The government is in danger of not being able to pay its debts.
So, we have shaky investments in the Social Security Trust fund.
Now, just how many shaky investments do we have?
At the end of 2011, the Trust Fund contained (or alternatively, was owed) $2.7 trillion, up $69 billion from 2010.[1] The fund is required by law to be invested in non-marketable securities issued and guaranteed by the "full faith and credit" of the federal government.
The trust fund represents a legal obligation to Social Security program recipients and is considered "intra-governmental" debt, a component of the "public" or "national" debt. As of April 2012, the intragovernmental debt was $4.8 trillion of the $15.7 trillion national debt.[2]
So, the intragovernmental debt was $4.8 trillion. They spent $4.8 trillion that now they are in danger of not being able to pay.
Earmarks were a part of government spending. Part of the national debt was due to spending on earmarks by both Democrats and Republicans. Whenever bills were passed, earmarks were put into the bills. Now, the spending has come home to roost. They say we are at a fiscal cliff…we are out of money…stealing contributed to our dilemma.
Thou shalt not steal.
Encarta Dictionary definition of steal:
transitive and intransitive verb to take something that belongs to somebody else, illegally or without the owner's permission
transitive verb to take or get something secretly, surreptitiously, or through trickery
The government took taxpayers Social Security money…without the taxpayer’s permission…and spent it on earmarks, et cetera. The government took the fruits of my labor…and put the fruits of my labor in jeopardy. They do not represent me. They are tyrants.
The accounting practices of the government concealed what they were doing…and still are doing.
Durbin has made statements recently. Take your pick
Durbin’s remarks are not representative of the people…they are representative of a tyrant, who tells the people what the government is going to force them to do. Clint Eastwood has some advice for you Mr. Durbin. Video at the Republican Convention
Thou Shalt Not Steal | Part II
Continued from: Thou Shalt Not Steal
Franklin D. Roosevelt …and the Democrats… brought Social Security into the United States government. The tax rate was about 15 percent on wages… 7.5 percent on the employee …and 7.5 percent on the employer. I’ve been paying income tax at 15 percent… in recent years. There was a cap on the Social Security taxed wages. After a certain amount, the tax stopped. But, the stealing began.
The government spent the Social Security revenue. They put IOU’s in the Social Security Trust Fund, and now Social Security is running out of money. The government is recklessly printing money, borrowing, and the national debt is out of control. Nobody was put in jail for stealing the Social Security money.
Dan Rostenkowski (D) Illinois was put in jail. Read more… President Clinton pardoned him. So, in effect…Clinton and Democrats forgive thieves.
Unfunded liabilities of the government are not reported according to accepted accounting practices. The government uses trickery to hide the national debt.
To be continued…
My Son is in Pittsburgh From Arizona to Visit
Here is a copy of an email from my son… Saturday December 1, 2012 at 5:34 PM Eastern:
Subject: Hello From 39,000 Feet
Plane left on time. Plane has WiFi ...... Yippee! Only 79 passengers out of a possible 139. It's been a long time since I've been on a flight that wasn't packed full. Congratulations on your first email from high above!
Sent from my iPad
My son is at my daughter’s house right now…and my son and daughter are coming to our house for dinner.
Judicial Watch | Week ending November 30, 2012
- JW Lawsuit Forces Release of bin Laden Burial Records from U.S. Navy
- Scandal Ridden Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Resigns from Congress
- Records Show Obama State Department Invited American Terrorist to Embassy [1]
[1] Not only was Anwar al-Aulaqi killed…his 16 year old son was killed too…later.