
Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It| Pass It Now! III

obama crotch

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Anything Wrong With This Picture?

Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It| Pass It Now! I

Pass The Bill To Find Out What's In It| Pass It Now! II

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania –September 29 –

August 2010

When Congress passed the $862 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, otherwise known
as the stimulus bill, it passed with assurances that it would stem the loss of American jobs and keep the
economy from floundering. As most can see, it hasn’t.
Eighteen months since the law’s passage, millions of jobs are still gone and the economy is as uncertain as
ever. The only thing getting a boost is our national debt – the stimulus has helped push it 23 percent
higher, to $13.2 trillion, a new record. Source

Now, the whole game has changed. There is a debt limit, a supercommittee, and S&P downgraded our credit rating.

What is the national debt now, September 29, 2011?   The National Debt Clock   $14,776 trillion and rising.

The national debt per taxpayer was $104,000 on August 2, 2011. Wednesday 10 PM EDT September 28 is was $131,686. So it went up $27,000 per taxpayer since August.

All the wealth of the rich, will not pay for what is being spent.

A tax bill was passed on property in Greece today. They didn’t even try to tax the rich, because they knew it wouldn’t work.

All the Marxists in Greece are in for a big, big, surprise.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

Newsvine column with comments


Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It| Pass It Now! II

obama pissed

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Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It| Pass It Now!…I   previous article

Link to 100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania –September 28 –

As we detail in this third report in a series, some projects accomplish such questionable goals as putting
in new windows at a vacant government building, replacing a new sidewalk with an even newer one, or
money for a park that is only accessible by boat or plane. Link to 100 stimulus projects that give taxpayers the blues

I have noted the following:

To condone a $308 million; 9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA), is irresponsible, especially when taken together with the rest of the wasteful spending. $308 million is not chump change, no matter how devoted and loyal a person is to a group of socialist Democrats. This bill denigrates the professional management skills prominent in a capitalistic society. It shows a blatant lack of discipline in running a country. It makes a mockery of the Chinese and other investors, who hope they have a risk free investment in United States securities.. This is just for starters, before I do some research. I promise to come up with more negative adjectives to describe the defensive behavior, which spins the wasteful spending as just a minor, acceptable, behavior.

None of the participants in the stimulus have been punished, except the socialist Democrats in the House, who were removed in November of 2010. The legislators and President Obama should be punished. Their actions should bring consequences, but it possibly won’t. Another possibility would be to amend the constitution, so that whatever it takes; bad behavior is not rewarded, and is in fact punished. I’ll leave specific amendment ideas to the lawyers.


Newsvine Column with comments


Pass The Bill To Find Out What’s In It| Pass It Now!…I

Pelosi Pass the bill


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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania –September 27 –

I’m just finding out what was in the almost $1 trillion stimulus bill, which didn’t reduce the nation’s unemployment.

Where some of the money went, and some is still supposed to go:

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Forest Service to Replace Windows in Visitor Center Closed in 2007 (Amboy, WA) -

$554,763 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

2. “Dance Draw” - Interactive Dance Software Development (Charlotte, NC) - $762,372 ............ 6

3. North Shore Connector to Professional Sports Stadiums, Casino (Pittsburgh, PA) - $62

million ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7

4. FEMA Stalls Two Texas Fire Stations More Than a Year, Increases Costs (San Antonio, TX)

- $7.3 million ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

5. Abandoned Train Station Converted Into Museum (Glassboro, NJ) - $1.2 million ................... 10

6. Ants Talk. Taxpayers Listen (San Francisco, CA) - $1.9 million ......................................................... 11

7. Stimulus Project Threatens Pastor’s House (Newark, OH) - $1.8 million ...................................... 12

8. Old Abandoned Iron Furnace Gets Facelift after Money Squandered on Same Project Years

Before (Fitchburg, KY) – $357,710 ................................................................................................................. 14

9. Power Plant Construction Won’t Start for at Least Two Years (Kern County, CA) - $308

million ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15

10. Town Replaces New Sidewalks With Newer Sidewalks That Lead to Ditch (Boynton, OK) -

$89,298 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 16


Please open the link and go to “Ants” $1.9 million ; 6.


Random Pictures

Corn Cobs
I was born and raised on a farm. I’m fond of simple things like corn cobs. I found these corn cobs at a farmer’s market near Pittsburgh. The grain elevator near where I lived, when I was young, was powered by a steam engine. The furnace to make the steam used corn cobs.
Pittsburgh Mills
Pittsburgh Mills is one of the shopping malls in our area. I took a shot one day, when we went to Olive Garden to eat. The camera that I use has a LCD and no view finder, so it is difficult to see outside in bright light. I drape a sweater or something over my head to make the LCD more visible.
Farm Market
This corn field is behind a farm market, which sells primarily meat. The same people, who own the market, own the corn field behind it. There’s a cow pasture adjacent to the corn field, but the cows weren’t out. They have their own animals butchered, and sell the meat themselves.
 Click images to enlarge




It has been my good fortune to connect with Extraterrestial. I suggest that you go to his Newsvine column for more information. Extraterrestial is omnicient and omnipotent. He has difficulty typing because he has eight fingers, all of which are connected by webs. You know, like webs on a ducks foot.

In the normal course of events, Extraterrestial made a comment on one of my articles. I knew in an instant that this was an epiphany!


    Hell! that sounds even better!!! "Obama Keeps His Word On Transparency! We See Right Through Him!" (something like that maybe?) :-]

    OR....."Get the transparency out of the W.H. and back in the government!"

    #20.1 - Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:39 PM EDT

"Obama Keeps His Word On Transparency! We See Right Through Him!"

This is an excellent slogan for the 2012 presidential campaign. Please use it wherever possible, and as often as possible.

Can you see through this: Video

Extraterrestial can!


We are Waiting for Our Son

airbus 380



Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – September 4 –

Our son is coming to Pittsburgh to visit for the week of the Labor Day holiday.

Myself, my wife, and our son lived in the same house in Scottsdale, Arizona for about 5 years. He still lives there, and plans to stay there indefinitely.

He was scheduled to switch planes in Chicago. It wasn’t a straight through flight. He was supposed to arrive in Pittsburgh about 7 PM Eastern tonight. He called from the Phoenix airport, before he left this morning. We haven’t heard anything from him since. Hopefully, I’ll be able to report that all is well in this article.

I have really missed him. He’s a geek among other things, he’s single, and is about 53 years old. He likes beer, and I think the plans are to attend some sort of beer festival, while he’s here. I’m a tea totaler, and my wife is as well.

We left Scottsdale in March of this year, and we haven’t seen him since then. I told him that I can’t wait to see him again, when we were on the phone the other day.

Our son arrived at my daughter’s house in Pittsburgh about 10 PM Eastern.


My Newsvine Column


At My Daughter’s House




Rock at my daughter’s house

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Close-up of Wolf at my daughter’s house

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Wolf rock

Wolf rock at my former residence in the 70s

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blue spruce on a stick

Blue Spruce on a stick, near the bottom, at my former residence, there is also a weeping larch, and a Rheingold in the upper left corner.

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The same Blue Spruce at my daughter’s house

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The same weeping larch at my daughter’s house

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My daughter still has the same Rheingold from our former residence

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The sunlit pine tree, center of picture, at my daughter’s house, is about forty five feet tall. I picked it up in a Styrofoam cup at Ford’s Dearborn, Michigan plant

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The purple colored tree, on the bottom left, is a cotinus velvet cloaked. This picture was taken at our former residence. This same tree is at my daughter’s house now.

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cotinus velvet cloaked

Cotinus Velvet Cloaked Close Up

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – August 12 –

I’m hoping this article will be a memorial to me and my wife after I’m gone. I’m posting it so that my children and grandchildren can look at some of my and my wife’s treasures during our life.

Some of the treasures live on today.